Monday, September 04, 2006


Energy Devolution & Evolving Consciousness

As cosmic energy begins to super cool we now know that it gives rise to consciousness. So not to crash the fine party of blind belief that evolution has been enjoying for quite sometime now, I will agree that the humanity is evolving, obviously evolving as the product of a dying universe, not much merit in that sort of dying birth but some will be happy with that. But it does happen that we are evolving so the theory of evolution is not wrong so much as it is that it was applied to the wrong thing, our biological being.

Our biological being is caloric in nature, which is to say that it is devolving, anything that is energy is devolving from the big bang forward, everything in the cosmic universe has been losing energy, so the body, a carbon based apparatus, is merely an energy processing unit and not a very efficient one. Low energy is a terrible processor of energy, it is very specific as to how it will trap it, and use it. Your innards are waste energy processors, hence the reason why you are sewer energy. But the body, as anything that is caloric in nature, and the scientists will tell you correctly, there is nothing that is not caloric in nature, the body is devolving, cell division and cell multiplication is a diffusion of cosmic energy that propagates more simmering than it propagates life, what ever is more is the greater reality, no scientist will tell you that you are not, by existing, creating more entropy, you are, you are cooling down the universe. The process of its devolution looks like an evolution to us because we do not view the entire system as energy; remember that we, through reason have isolated ourselves from the universe, which means that we do not see ourselves as energy but rather as users of energy. When we view the universe instead of being envious of it we impress ourselves by pondering how we can use all that energy that is just sitting out there waiting for our ingenuity to harvest it. The idea that that energy out there is desiring itself into existence that it is in reality more alive and feeling the universe more than we are; and know this, that, that energy out there must fear you, you are the cookie monster, if you get a hold of that energy, with your organizational skills, the universe is doomed that much faster. That astronomical reality is inconceivable from this perspective. It is then the we wrongly conclude that as the universe evolves for the better that it will produce more of what “we” call, higher life forms. A faulty view stupendously supported by the accumulation of knowledge through the use of reason. But I will have to tell you, as much as it pains me to do so, that what is evolving is not your ugly caloric body, pretty only to its proper hostage, you, but what is evolving is our consciousness.

Now how can I say that in a dying universe, with energy units simmering, as it is indeed the case, as it is happening right before your eyes, how can I say that consciousness is evolving and at the same time say that, that consciousness is a dying force in the universe. Well you have to imagine that while you are dying energy it is not as if the universe hates you for that, nor is it true that because you are born to life, via some formidable feminine tunneling womb energy, that you really manage to isolate yourself from the universe, you don’t, the universe loves itself, and just because you think that you are different and especial and intelligent, the universe does not care nor register your animosity, the universe stills sees you as warmer than the nothingness, and the universe loves anything that has warmth, so the universe registers your existence as it registers its own existence. So the fantastic thing that happens is that you are still connected to the universe against your own denial of that connectivity. Consciousness is sort of a mesh, an wide and deep trapeze of cosmic wiring that allows for energy flows and energy transfusions to take place at some transcendental level. You can see it in a persons eyes when they are posses with this energy, you can feel the entire energy spectrum invigorating the existence of individuals, animals objects and positions, that have tuned access to cosmic consciousness. So though a bit disingenuous of me it is not that consciousness is evolving, consciousness is still trapped in the dying universe and it is very much dynamic as all energy is dynamic, but what occurs is that your ability to use the energy of consciousness, your ability to swing in the trapeze that connects us to the greater universe, your ability to feel that energy is evolving, if only by accident, for certainly you have not nurtured it, you have more ignored it, dictators, witches, clareaboyants, voodooists, artists, geniuses and the likes have used it, mostly because their receptors were tuned by accident or fortune; but still the use of that energy is evolving, the conscious energy of the universe is not evolving but you might yet evolve your dormant ability to feel and sense yourself a part of the universe.

One of the benefits to feeling the universe, to tuning in to its truly mysterious wiring, is that when you do that it becomes more painful to kill someone, to rape to pillage to combat that which is in the end fighting the same battle that you are against the nothingness. The realization that we are all in this together might sound cowardly but it is a truth that can not be altered, the entire nothingness is against us, by destroying one another we are only surrendering to the energy that flowing from the nothingness negates our existence. To kill other low energy units is to accelerate the birth of lower energy units, which dissipate energy even more efficiently than we do, it is to rush the entire universe as we know it, into the zero time and space resolution.

Humanity is still struggling with itself, like a child that dedicates all its energies towards self centered objectives, the conceptualization of the grander social picture is a sign of maturity, but sewer energy is, though long on its journey humanity is really young sewer energy, this is because only now is the universe beginning to truly notice and die its cold death and as the universe expands its agonizing body grows. Humanity, does not see it this way because it does not view itself as a part of the greater whole, at the ground level, the earthy level, humanity is subjective in nature, when you are barely existing, your mode of operation is completely selfish, we are self centered creatures, the altruism that is born of humanity is all based on personal satisfaction, martyrs, patriots, altruistic characters and the likes are all accomplishing a personal satisfaction at some psychological, physical or metaphysical level. It is a selfish act to help someone so as to feel that one has done the right thing, it is a selfish act to love so as to be loved, it is a selfish act to compromise so as to gain favor, the entire spectrum of the reality that we live in, in the micro isolation of energy is absolutely subjective, there is no objectivity. And the only way that there can be objectivity is if you could view the world through the eyes of another, you can’t, try as hard as you want, you will never be able to view the world through the feelings and emotions of another. Empathy is based on common experience, the assimilation is made because you fought the same war and suffered the same wounds not because you are objective.

Social entities such as Justice, Government, Economics, Philosophy, Science, they are all, each, confined prejudiced subjectives. When a lot of people agree with something it is not to say that it is true, but it is to say that it is hard to contradict a lot of people. Mass belief, the selling of ideas and concepts so that others will believe them and use them as their own, is paramount to the success of social structures. Which is why the larger the social structure the more likely it is to compromise, in order to serve the masses you have to satisfy the greater personal selfish craving, be that civic, metaphysical, or intellectual. Conversion is what all personifications of truth accomplish effectively. But the conversion serves a personal interest, no one adopts belief in anything unless it serves them in some way. Everyone is absolutely selfish, even god and specially god.

Objectivity is a fundamental impossibility, common ideas and common values rise from our need for those ideas and values, not because there is some independent force out there that is just, that is righteous, the is good. No such monsters, the universe is one giant selfish thing, there is no one siting around making sure that goodness will prevail, that justice will be done, and that you will be able to see your enemies burn in hell. Sorry, that is the reality, the universe is one large energy entity that is struggling against the nothingness with energy definitions, you may want to call upon it to ease your pain, but the universe can not feel your pain it only feels itself dying, you are what notifies the universe that it is dying, no one likes to hear bad news.

If you are a scientific or a religions person the lack of objectivity will bother you terribly, religions and scientific worshipers are terribly fearful of uncertainty and they don’t really trust themselves, which translates to, they don’t trust other people, which is why they go out of their way to create independent entities which will allow them to prove to you that they are right because, something that is not them, somehow agrees with them, and that must somehow make it all true. These types are what I categorize as the “See I told you so!” Nothing would give my religious friends more satisfaction than to witness god punishing my atheism. Here on earth they tell me that they just want me to be saved, and they pray for me, but silently the cheer pleasure that it would give them to see me gnashing teeth in hell has got to be considerable. To them I will say, just have a little faith and you will get the pleasure, energy manifestations can cause spontaneous combustion, god may get me yet.

Oh and there is the scientists, the empirical priest, they would but love to see my subjective idea, blasphemy against the empirical objectivity that they worship, to be proven positively wrong. Nature they say can not be wrong, there are absolute and discernable truths which their “skeptical” minds will flush out, but you know it is ironic that their minds are never skeptical of the fundamental principle they worship, science. And anyone in the know, knows that evolutionists are the right wing fundamentalist of science. Yet all of that belief, as well as that of relativity, is based on the massive assumption that we are independent and objective of the universe, that we are isolated from it, that we can manipulate the universe, without it in some inverse way manipulating us, and the results. The subjective influence dilemma suffered by the observer mathematically corrected, subtract the observer from the environment, so as not to contaminate the scenery, and what remains is the truth, of course once you subtract the observer you can’t observe the absolute reality that you are proving, but if you have faith in mathematica that is not an issue, you can sum away the problem. I, unfortunately never had the devotion for numbers so my faith in the expressions of the ten digital commandments and its unflinching language is lacking. And as much as I despise subjectivity because it implies that the scientist are connected to my universe of desire, I can not deny the truth, we are all everything, and you can’t subtract yourself from everything, the only subtraction that is possible, so as to create an independence, leads to perdition in the nothingness, and even there everything is still with us. Energy is glued to energy.

Here is where relativity is a terrible criminal, and to be fair I love the theory, it is brilliant and fantastic and more so because I don’t understand it; and anything that I don’t understand must be brilliant indeed, but relativity is basically an elimination of prejudice, and a rigorous formulation of the local physics, limiting velocity to the speed of light, forcing time to suffer the effects of speed, making the universe of plastic gelatin that pronounces itself through wrinkling when energy mass rests on it, and all measurable and adhering to mathematical principles created by the brilliance of the logical and objective human imagination as hosted by the human brain, a low calorie apparatus that allows humans to think. It is all so clean and beautiful and so void of uncertainty, and so full of provable predictions it is impossible not to fall in love with it, and so many have, myself included.

But is anyone objective with the object of that they love? To give birth to an idea, to create a work of art, to give life to a religion, to a science, or to a horror like a political philosophy you need to love it; and you need to believe in it, and to have faith in it, and when I say you have to believe in it, I mean that you have to believe in it before you can prove it to the world, and before you can prove it to yourself! Belief, faith, all products of desire, of pure and irrational desire, and the feelings nurtured by that desire, are the irrational causes of all realities. The afterthought is knowledge, the creation of entities and ideas, the birth of a child, is the manifestation of a desire, a desire that is not logical or objective. The entire universe is a subjective desire for existence. Your consciousness rises from that desire, you are selfish because you need to try to survive, and you are starving for resources, and as you evolve an understanding of the inherent desire consciousness that brought you into existence you are able to harvest its illogical energy for good or ill, to promote dogma or technology, or to promote the soul, the magical or the empirical.

Realizing that we are just another manifestation of energy, ceasing to isolate ourselves from the consciousness that gives rise to our being, then we will have greater access to peer into the nothingness, and perhaps we will be able to lure and trap its infinite energies. So to correct myself, it is not that consciousness is evolving, nor that we are evolving, but rather that we might tap the existing resources of our origins by negating our negation. Remember the nothingness wants to die, you would not exist if that were not the case, your death back into the nothingness is just a case of failed suicide.