Monday, September 04, 2006


Now that you have gotten this far into the history of origins prepare to get under your feet and squash yourself. Because if you have been paying attention you now know that you are the irrational desire of nothingness! You exist because nothingness has desired that a desired universe of definition would desire to exist and the failing energy of that desire is you, you are the equivalent of an energy coolant, you rise from flawed desire, and so if you are wise, and wise in any sense of the word then you should want to be something other than life, something very different, at it is the strangeness of that desire which does not allow it to be vocalized, why should you wish to be something else, and how can you even wish to be something else, when you are just struggling to survive? You can not really overtly wish to be something else, you must love yourself, and you must love yourself to the extreme of selfishness which means that you don’t really care about the universe you care about yourself, you want to exist and thrive and be the best and most important thing in the universe, you envy the neutrino, you wish you were a god, and you despise your mortality and you will consume and destroy everything in your path, so as to live a little longer, even to live as a decrepit being, but life must be extended and extended as much as possible at any cost.

The reason why it is so difficult for you to realize that your existence might not be a good thing for the universe, that you are an energy reducing flow, is because you do not see yourself as part of the universe as a whole, you see yourself as a disparate entity trying to regenerate itself in the universe, you don’t so much see yourself as a representation of a condition of energy but rather as a unique and especial thing in the universe that thinks. Sheers! Sheers! Well energy has many faces, you are just one of them, and to kill yourself is not necessarily to immediately finish yourself, you are still not at absolute zero, even dead you are still cooling, even dead the worms that rise to feed upon thee are yet a lower transformation of energy, and as they serve to nourish the ground where a forest grows the plants are a lower representation of simmering energy, so while you may think of yourself as dying with death, the reality is that you have still a ways to go before you reach the final stage of absolute zero where you will become one and flow in harmony with the simmering nothingness.

This is if by some enchanting reason you don’t somehow manage to be caught in the infinite corona or some other metaphysical entity which may grant you a morbid eternal life as itself, that is not as yourself, but as itself, a god exist at the cost to everything else, when you want to live forever as with a god you cease to be yourself, you become the god thing, and trust me the god thing is really not you, not you at all, but the benefit of course, of a god thing, if it exist, for its existence can never be proven, the benefit of such an entity is that it does not suffer energy, it is the most static entity that one can possibly imagine, frozen in character and infinite in time, it does not transpire or evolve and like the nothingness all of its infinite immensity is identical, if you could see one of its parts you have seen all of its parts, if you could feel it, it would feel the same from anywhere, no matter from which angle or point in the universe, any observation of an infinite entity will reveal sameness. Large things in the universal context of the word just have to similar to exist, the universe should be mostly the same from all regions, what ever you are likely to find in our locality, you are likely to find in another distant locality. Gargantuan expressions are unfortunately franchises and the more gargantuan the more and more it all looks and feels the same. Infinities make it unnecessary for you to explore another region, they are all the same, you are in it all from any angle and time.

But the reason you really have such a difficult time visualizing yourself as just another energy condition of the universe is because of the wicked thing called reason. Reason is a ladder away from the universe, reason organizes and categorizes and it destroys as it creates, reason is a negative science because it depletes energy faster by its process of organization. But living organisms get a sense of power and control from it, they feel they know something about the mysterious universe, which is a lot less mysterious than you might suspect, much less mysterious indeed, in fact much of the universe is really a very boring place, more like a battle field of explosions and collisions where no one is really winning very much of anything. The idea that the explosive universal mirage has much mystery in it, is merely a redirecting of our conceptual ignorance, what we don’t know is mysterious, what we are not aware of is mysterious, beautiful women are experts on capitalizing on this principle and so is the universe.

Oh the wonder of the universe, oh the perfection of the human body, oh the wonder of nature, the fact that the neutron is the size that it is, it is all so ah inspiring, brings tears to my eyes. If you bothered to review your biological body with a more critical eye in relationship to anything else in the universe you would find it wasting fast and wanting. But it is such a remarkable perfection, as far as you know, it is so incredible, as far as you know, just like god is so wonderful and perfect, as far as you know, and you seem to know that knowing and learning is such a wonderful thing, and you just know that knowledge is power and that you are the best of the best and a unique and rare creature in the universe, granted with the gift of consciousness. Pathetic!

Imagine if you will that the universe does not need you, nor want you, and that there is evidence to that fact. Imagine that you are indeed correct and that you are indeed a rare and precious thing in the universe. An evolution, the peak of consciousness in an evolving universe. Let us ignore the fact that the universe is really cooling down and dying and that anything that comes to life when something is dying it is usually a worm. But let us ignore that and agree with our much advertise perfection and uniqueness, the politicians, the scientists, the priests, the metaphysicians, even our parents who should know better tell us we are especial so assume that this bunch of sycophant are not just telling us this because they are trying to gain favor, but let us assume that there is an element of truth in it. Now that we have bitten that apple not so hard to bite now let me ask you why is it that if life is so good and fantastic that it is so rare that in our solar system of all the planets only one contains life? The universe is not stupid the universe may not know how to do calculus but I can assure you of one thing, the universe reproduces what is in its interest to reproduce, suns, black holes and neutrinos are rather abundant but not you, you are a rare thing, and the reason you are rare is because the universe is practicing liberal birth control with your kind, the universe does not want to die, you are evidence that the universe is dying, and there is no way in hell that a lively happening energy high cosmic universe is going to much care for your existence. The universe wants to be hot, very hot, why even you with your primordial memory of heat want to be hot, its just that in your current condition you can’t be hot or you will burn up like a roasted chicken! That is the reality, that is the real reality the universe, if it could think would not want you, but the fact that the universe can not even bother to think is good reason not to think, but the universe is aware of itself, a universe feels itself, it may never write a book but the universe is aware because energy is awareness, energy is obviously tuned to itself, particles interact with each other and much better than you interact with your next door neighbor, fusion and fission are ten billion trillion times better than any sex you’ve ever had, and in your current sewer energy condition ever have period!

You are isolated energy, you are cornering coldness, you are winning a cold death, and guess what with reason by your side you are closing the hatch of your own coffin, you are going to curl inside of your knowledge bath and die full of knowledge that is not going to help you get anywhere but to your grave. Here I have to contradict myself and as much as I hate to do that I will. The reality is that you are especial and you are especial to the nothingness, you are returning to her, and so as the universe ages, as it dies more worms like you will rise, right before the universe dies its cold death, the universe will be infested with dispersing energy units just like you, and you, if you manage through knowledge to plug yourself enough into existence long enough, you will get to meet them and chat with all those aliens out there just like you, and then you can knowingly perish, the big sewer energy reunion will be the last dance of the universe.

But you are especial don’t doubt it for a second.

Now you might wrongly think that I am a bit harsh on reason, knowledge and structure, and you might rightly conclude that I was a bad student, that I could never get a descent grade and much less could I learn anything. I was saved from knowledge by my inability to learn and yes maybe I hold a bit of resentment towards the idea of learning what others have deigned as learnable. But it would be foolish to ignore my message just because it is from a disgruntle pupil, though I admit that if I had had the capacity to learn physics or math I would probably not be launching such a hostile attack, that does not dilute the truth of my message. Of course as with all truths my is temporary, but it is less temporary than knowledge, to remain aloof, to remain in a condition of indefinites is liberating it is not necessarily easy. The easiest thing to do is to believe in something, everyone wants to believe in something, knowledge is concrete belief, awareness, that is the art of being aware of a reality is equal to knowledge only it does not require dogmatic behavior. Knowledge is bad because it has to be proven wrong, knowledge is bad because it does not allow for the perception of its endemic ephemeral nature.

So it is a bleak path this path of reason and so you might wonder what if any the alternative might be. Certainly as life we are caught in a nasty trap, we would not have voluntarily chosen to be a low energy entities had we had a choice, but transformations of energy are dynamic, so it happens that you have been travelling down the energy highway just like all energy will follow your path, if it is any comfort, the neutrinos are doomed too, we were there, they will be here, trust me on this! But there is an alternative, the god thing is one but people like me don’t like it and don’t want it to be real. There are other metaphysical alternatives that create spiritual energy values, but spirits still suffer from energy depletion, so ghosts have a limited life expectancy as ephemeral representations of some very strange energies, we might say that a ghost is conscious energy that has failed to desire its death, and has desired the manifestation of its own existence with such pronounce desire that it actually exist in some indiscernible medium. Ghost do not possess a lot of energy, they should be virtually undetectable, they should be able to move from one energy field through another without much molestation, radiation and matter would not have a severe effect on its movement, it may cause some discomfort, ghost don’t necessarily understand their condition even though it was an intensity of desire that initiated it, at times they are sure to find discomfort as they channel through a medium sort of like walking in Paris when you are not used to the urine. But ghost are still technical parts of our universe and its energy, so they maybe victims or they may voluntarily harvest positive and negative energies and their recipe and application will determine if we perceive them as benevolent or less than charming. But the interesting thing with spirits is that desire keeps them purely within existence and that it keeps them in an existence that is more free of material energy trappings.

It should be fair to conclude that very material and rational minds, such as that of a true empirical scientist, are not likely to inhabit the spiritual medium, that medium again requires a great amount of irrational desire, logic is a grounder, so spiritual energy will be composed of those that suffer from impossible desires, desires that will not be denied, irrational and wonderful indeed.

Which nicely leads us to the original point of all, it is irrational that is going to save us, it is irrational desire that brought us here, it is the power of desire, combined with irrational awareness that allows for impossible to exist, there are a billion trillion reasons why you should not exist, a billion trillion more on top of that why the universe should not exist, it is the irrational desire to exist coupled with a bore infinite nothingness that produces all of the definition that we witness. And it is witnessing, it is witnessing that produces reality, even the damn scientists are coming to this whimsical realization, belief awareness, and the endurance to witness is what harvest the refracting energies of the universe. Even as you sit here reading this, you are merely a manifestation of energy, a witnessed reflection.

Dare to witness your desired reflection. You come into being as a manifestation of your own desire to exist and perdition or an energetic metamorphoses would surely follow a denial of that desire. What you seek in beauty, what you seek in the melody of a symphony is the perfection of that witnessed desire, it is the conceptualization of your perfection, a perfection which maybe flawed, but for the witness and the desire, which must surmount other realities so as to create the desired witnessed reality. That is where you are and that is why you are, as simple as a wish.

The realization of our existence is no more than a manifestation of universal desires, based on the irrational desire that rose from the nothingness, what magnifies your existence is the irrationality of that desire, what drives it into perdition is you rationalization. It is how to use and harness the irrational that matters here, and so our quest should not be how to harvest and use the energy that is already contained within the universe, but rather how to use and harvest the energy contained within the nothingness, we rose from the nothingness, the nothingness has infinite energy, any energy we steal from the nothingness will build our universe, any energy we harvest and use that is currently within our universe will merely deplete and age our universe faster into perdition. How to subtract energy from the nothingness ought to be our paramount question and objective. Energy conservation here translates to the non use of the energy that embodies our universe, it is the energy that is within us and technically underneath, though really all around of our universe, that is the energy that we want and must desire to harvest.

Now think about this for a second, the nothingness is not a rational entity, the nothingness is not sympathetic to your cause either because you are another version of itself that is not yet infinite and so not worth the translation of its simmering energy, why go from infinity to something that has yet to even manage its mortality. And why communicate with something that does not understand absolute desire, that does is trapped in logic, why? Now remember that only likes attract, the only way to communicate with anything is if has something in common with you and it likes you and I can assure you that aside from origins your denial of the nothingness as fervent as it is and your absolutist need for logic and definition is as against the nothingness as it gets, in short the nothingness does not particularly like you and if you were to go to her she would kill you, dead. Neither the universe nor the nothingness holds itself together through fear and doubt, the reality is that life represents both and from that perspective it is healthy and existing affirming to deny it, more important while the universe of desired definition has its own doubts that can allow it to be aware of life and that allows life to be somewhat aware of it, the nothingness is not either in doubt or fear of its own existence, it might be trying to change but certainly not doubtful, and more relevant while the nothingness is embodied in the irrational the brought the universe into existence, it is actually not logical in any form or manner, which is to say that nothing isolates us more from the nothingness than logic, nothingness could care less about logic, and it does not know of it, imagine then how hard it is for us to communicate with the nothingness and to even dare to ask it to share its indiscernible energy with us, impossible from our current perspective. You want to talk to the universe you have better be prepared to be more aware of the irrational you want to retrieve energy from the nothingness you will need to be completely irrational.

What you will need first in order to reach proximity to that which logic has isolated you from is to imagine yourself as you really are not as you think you are. And you might dare ask is what are you really? Well more than being a human being, more than being the cerebral part of a matter thing, you are energy, that is all, you are a condition of energy, and so you should properly be aware that that is all that you are. And so you are an energy unit just like a particle is an energy unit, you are part of the nuclear family of an photon and a neutrino. Sure you are not a rich energy unit, fact is you are actually not very self sufficient and must go around the universe mopping up energy, hence the reason why you are really helping to cool down the great idea of energy that is the universe.

Once you visualize yourself as an energy unit you will have the most accurate picture of yourself possible, everything that inhabits this universe is based on energy and represents nothing more than a manifestation of raw energies, that is all. As you come to perceive the reality and then to quantify yourself against other manifestations of energy you will begin to realize that there are a lot of very rich manifestations of energy and that you are living in the slums, the ghettos of energy manifestations, and that you are not very self sufficient, that other energy representation make much better use of their surrounding energy and are brighter like our sun because of it. In a universe where energy is king, being a sun is a good thing.

But the realization of your condition will lead you to comprehend that everything is nothing more than an exchange of energy, when you are communicating trough your vocal chords, more than speaking, more than saying anything profound you are more exchanging energy through an agreed protocol. Packets of energy transfer the energy so that you might associate with another and extent the relationship into a social unit that increases your perception of the universe. If you are a carnivore you are transferring packets of energy from a cow to yourself, the relationship might not be as bad as it appears for the cow, the fact is that you guarantee the existence of cows because you consume them, it stands to reason that cows must hate vegetarians but on the other hand plants must love and nurture vegetarians. In fact nothing guarantees more the possible existence of the energy manifestation we call cows than the fact that they are so tasty, one could imagine that cows could technically colonize space by clinging on to us. More fascinating if you assume that eventually the brilliant scientist will be able to manipulate molecules so as to produce a piece of meat anywhere in the universe just by reorganizing molecular structures and without the need for the real cow. But the existence of beef is a manifestation of that cow without the burden of existence, a piece of sirloin steak is still technically an energy manifestation as originally composed by a cow and as long as the macromolecular microwave reproduces the exact recipe then that representation is a success of sorts.

So cows are tasty because they love themselves and by catering to our culinary preference they guarantee that we will host them through existence. And what is true of cows is true of everything else, the exchanges of energy are constant and complimentary. Like a cow you are nutrition for ideas. Ideas can only exist if you feed them and feed on them. A religion without followers is a dead thing, a philosophy without charlatan energy, dead too. Ideas have all to bid for your attention, in order for this idea to survive for only an instant it has to be absorbed by your mental energy, it will recondition a portion of your mind to accommodate itself, you may reject it, and reject it vigorously, which is nicely life affirming, give me a critic, damn it give me a billion trillion critics, I don’t care if they get it, I don’t care if they are wrong or right about their criticisms, by virtue of the fact that they have oscillated energy to deny or affirm this idea, that idea has lived longer than it should, thank you very much.

So as an energy unit you must be cognizant of your exchanges, if you decide to believe a political idea, be it republican, democratic, monarchist, or an economic idea such a communism or capitalism, you will need to comprehend that you are permitting, through your energy exchange the existence of things that might advance or hinder your existence. I propose that while logic is good for the short run, in the long run it leads to a dead end. I propose that nothing advances existence and success more than irrational processes and that irrational processes are more tuned to both the nothingness and the universe. I propose that you, as an energy unit, are much better off redirecting your energy transfers and exchanges so that they are more in tuned to the gargantuan than to the microscopic. Further I will firmly state for the record and swear upon any bible that the reason anything has really been successful in this life has nothing to do with rational and more to do with the irrational. Knowledge is not power, power is power, religion did not acquire the following that it has gathered on this earth because it has been rational and good, economics the single most successful idea of all time, is successful because we have let it run free, not because we have governed, not because we understand it, the only thing that a good economist understands is that freedom is all important to economic markets, that to control and regulate capital is the singles riskiest and most destructive thing in the universe. The free hand is good because if you do not restrict entities and things they will reach their maximum potential.

Money, the thing that has been given supreme freedom on this earth, above all things, freedom even from humanity, money is your energy, that is you, in more rational condition, in a more frozen form, but it is you. No value, no worth, can be had by a coin if you do not release your energy to add such a value. Productivity is all human energy, not a robot, not a computer, can produce anything if it has not stimulated into it by your human energy. All value and worth that exist within the current republic is based and fueled by your human energy. There are of course other energies affecting this, spiritual energies, animal energies, ad energies that slam into the earth and freely accumulate in our region or and in our bodies, but the end result of our social structure can not be held together without the incessant consumption of human energy. It is what you decide to believe, it is what you decide to generate, it is what you desire that ultimately comes into existence in the social realm. And yet it is a mutually agreed condition, it is an agglomeration of energy, but no monies will have value without your persistent energetic belief in that value, your mood, moves the economy, your irrational behaviors rules the markets, and your irrational behavior is what makes you who you are as a person. To break you down, is to make you logical, it is to rationalize your being, and that is not what energy is about now nor never!

Everything of course wants to accomplish energy transfers and energy accumulations, the billionaire is accumulating human energy so as to transfer it and use it towards personally beneficial aims. Money is just a system for storing that energy in a logical structure but the energy, even the energy of the logic, is illogical, irrational, primarily fueled by instinct and a sort of quiet awareness. Well you needn’t fear however things can not steal your energy unless you want them to, your desired energy however high or low will only transfer to another or remain within you as defined by the processes that you habitually desire for yourself. No one is stealing from anyone here, some are better energy mops than others, but in the end it is not a moral issue, energy only caters to desire, the more amplified the desire the more freely the energy will flow towards it. It is all about desire.

And so that brings us back to the all important question, we know that to take energy from our own universe is destructive and suicidal, so the question is how could we irrationally desire, with all might, the vast energy deposits that lie within our nothingness?

Technology is a wonderful thing but it is cold and because it is cold it is not the solution to our problem. The universe responds to heat, the best technology is that which is hot, the hotter the more in touch with the universe that the technology is but even technology is not designed to withstand the high heat degree that our universe so much enjoys. Liberation for us is limited by our composition. The fact that we have allowed ourselves to cool as far as we have has cost us severe damage and limits us terribly.

Indeed heat liberates, as the universe cools it restricts movement and it is the drop in temperature that as a restricting force induces the rise of consciousness and sewer energy to be born, born from this awareness. The more limiting an environment is the more likely it is to give rise to revolt, consciousness rises in a limiting environment where the disparity between high heat and low heat is severe. The association that can be made to the rise of communism might be interesting, the search for equality causes severe aberrations to rise, it is unlikely that anything rising out of despair, be it because of lack of wealth or because of lack of energy, it is doubtful that any of that can actually have a solution to the problem that it is trying to correct. If anything the perdition is most certain because the forces acting against the disadvantaged energy have reached such massive proportions that they start to create things that have nothing in common with them, but it is their immensity that gives rise to the new energy expressions, so it is doubtful that fresh energy representations will be successful on the basis of intent, it is more likely that they would be successful through serendipity.

And while we are making associations we must make one more, imagine that evolution is correct, just try to imagine that, and then think to yourself why is it that the most expensive and desirable thing in the world is energy, either monetary energy units or physical energy? Now imagine how energy efficient your mind is, in fact the terrible thing, the cruel reality, even the tragedy of tragedies is that your have evolved to use very little energy, and the reason you have evolved for low energy consumption, unlike a sun, unlike a black hole, unlike a photon, is because your environment, your habitat, is not energy rich. You hang around grave sites and that is why you look the way you look.

So you really have a problem, you are the citizen of a cosmic energy universe and yet you have depleted much of your energy resources. But like all terrible things this is not a terrible thing. You see you really never die, that is the fancy thing of everything, you never really die, not now, not even if a supernova happened to interrupt your breakfast, and you can not be killed just because someone cuts your throat off with a blunt object, not even, and specially not even does the god thing have the power to kill you, god may threaten to kill you if you don’t offer your love quanta, but keep in mind that gods can not touch this or any other reality, they are strange zero energy entities, to kill you a thing has to have at least a common dimension and time with you, and there are other logistical arrangements that make killing anyone a grand undertaking. But even if something does kill you, what happens, energy conservation. You are just an energy unit, sure you might love this human apparition, this desired representation, but if you just try to remember that your energy value will still simmer in the nothingness, maybe unrecognizable as yourself, but so what, it is not like you were ever as especial as you thought yourself to be. More than anything what differentiates life from the rest of the universe is that it thinks itself special. And this is just as good a place as any to point out that especial and unique things perish much faster than generic things. Democracy, for example, is successful because it promotes generic energy units; a sort of mass aggregate tyranny. Average people are having lots of fun with it because tyranny has its privileges.

Anyway not to get away from our point, the truth is that you never really die, you just can’t stay yourself, if you accept the fact that you are just an energy unit, and trust me that is all you are, then it is a lot easier to tolerate death. But why you don’t really die is also a great and wonderful thing, and you know there are a lot of great and wonderful things. The reason that you don’t die is because you are technically all the representations of energy, in other words you can’t escape, there is no way out, even if you wanted to die you couldn’t, suicide is just a recycling of energy for other uses. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you that.

The inner circle that you belong to:
1. Sewer Energy
2. Consciousness
3. Desire Universe
4. Nothingness

Energy is trapped in its own existence, in other words we do not know, nor can we conceptualize, nor is there a way to accomplish the conceptualization of something that is not somehow or other the product or manifestation of energy. Even the damn zero energy corona ultimately owes its zero energy existence to sewer energy. And the energy is trapped and stacked in a some strange dimensional structure that does not acknowledge time and space. That is you and the universe have really not acquired any distance from the nothingness, the universe, the nothingness, and you, and even the damn infinite corona thing all exist in the same exact whatever. Because we lack the language and the understanding, and we can only feel it, but let us say then that all energy manifestations exist in the same exact point of space and time. That is of course very wrong, but it is imaginable and so it will have to do whatever. It may further help to imagine the darkness as it is dispersed by light, both existing in the same medium and inseparable. So it is with the universe, and the nothingness and you. That translates into connectivity and if so it means that we maybe able to exploit that relationship, and that exploitation can not take place through something as rational as science.

The simmering energy in the nothingness has a lot in common with us, it is just not expressing itself with our desire, the nothingness is the ultimate democracy, everyone votes to be in harmony with everyone else, no one wants to be the one to altercate the status quo; there are occasional energy expressions, our universe being one, but in general the immersion is absolute and very powerful because of its massive absolutist tendency. But in that amount of simmering sameness the energy can be detected, even scientist have already felt it or I mean detected it, because scientist don’t so much feel as detect, just the question for us is; since we are so in love with the whole idea of consciousness why not try to harvest this energy so as to maintain our existence. Channeling energy from the nothingness will invigorate our universe, it will actually keep it alive longer than its curbed existence predicts it will live. We can extend the mortality of the universe, because the energy of nothingness is under our feet, it is just the problem of how, and if the universe is a product of intense irrational desire, then we maybe able to expose ourselves to an energy bath in the nothingness.

It all begins once you understand that you a energy, world war II for instance was ultimately the product of negative energy crashing into the earth and being absorbed by very sensitive people that did not know what to do with it. Energies of all varieties are constantly crashing into the earth or manifesting themselves in it from other dimensions, but because we do not accept their existence they don’t exist for us. You have to believe in things in order for them to exist, nothing kills existence more than lack of belief. Science is as successful as it is because a lot of energy has been dedicated to making it a certain reality. This of course can be accomplished in many directions and the one direction that we have ignored is the direction that allows us to feel energy manifestations. There is good reason why clairvoyance, telekinesis and acupuncture are real and work, we have ignore them, so they are mostly useless to us, but they are very real things. But since we have not understood how to walk into a room and sense and feel and nurture the energy of the room, and the energy of its location, and the energy of its air, and the energies of the characters in the room, and the energy of its colors, we can not sense energy essence flowing through us, we are mostly blind to it. It is left to geniuses or artist or tyrants to use it serendipitously or accidentally, or to masses that fall victim to it because they have no idea that they are being affected by a negative energy bath, and so they have to release it, and unleash world war II to do just that! After the energy reaches a kind of balanced condition peace arrives, and then everyone runs around explaining what really happened.

In the historical context of things, there are ready made channels for negative energy, if negative energy rises the channels that have been carved in the psychology of the earth will release it, either by exploding it or by creating difficult times, the great depression and its proximity to two world wars is not a coincidence, the earth just happened to have crashed into a negative energy cloud that infested and lingered in the planet for five decades. But then how can you expect humanity to handle situations like this when they don’t opt to accept that they are energy and energy mops, in energy pool; that there are energy effects that transpired outside of our being and yet can wreck havoc when we are not able to conduct them to our benefit. Every other damn thing in the universe conducts energy better than we do, the sun loves that stuff, it gloriously and rambunctiously channels energy, high energy expressions know best how to channel energy, subtracted and discharge it. And yet here we are, sewer energy, thinking that we are independents and not subject to thermodynamics as fish are subject to their ocean habitat.

World wars and depressions are expressions of negative energy flows. But the greater question is what is a negative energy flow. Let me make a differentiation here there is no such thing as a negative energy in the real sense of the word. If there were such a thing then demons and catastrophe would be a far more abundant entity than it is, and yet I am not saying that there are not already plenty of devils, in fact there are indeed more devils than we should want there to exist, but the negative energy that gives rise to destructive forces, or evil forces is actually of the same energy as everything else, it is just a question of recipe and application. Energy is just energy, it has no mal or good intent, but if it is atrophied it seeks to release itself, and if there are no flow channels, for energy must maintain dynamics like a shark, then it will aggravate its containment vessel or environment. So yes there is evil energy and dark energy, and voodoo energy but it could just as well be put to other uses. It all gets down to flow, how things flow, energy restrictions have a tendency to turn negative, energy hates obstruction of any kind, so if it feels trapped, it begins to destroy that which traps it. But it is good to trap energy and coerced it down your own energy channels because that is how you can acquire more energy, and to redirect yourself, the problem is one of energy assimilation, if you trapped energy and you are not tuned to it, then instead of invigorating you as it flows through you it will become obstructed within you and not only will the energy not know what to do with itself, but you will not comprehend what is happening, and you will get very frustrated and also not know what to do with yourself.

An artist is accidentally gifted to tune in to energy flows, hence the reason why artist are able to recreate expressions of their surroundings and why they are able to experience altered state conditions that have no fundamental relationship to our immediate reality. An artist can feel extreme creative juices flowing through their mind, but they can also sense mental blocks, and they can also feel extreme depressions. Because artist are more prone to being energy transferring and energy flowing vessels they are most likely to suffer the repercussions and benefits of channeling energy.

The intuitive energy that flows through an artist is magnificent, and marveling in that an artist can be ignorant and yet express the aesthetic with supreme sensibility. But it is the essence of the creative that keeps its distance from knowledge, even when the creative essence is associated with knowledge, when it regenerates science with a new idea, or philosophy with a new thought, this occurs mostly as a break with traditional knowledge and it is usually so unique that it will require serious evangelizing for it to acquire earthy roots. Fortunately, for those of us that love the expression of the aesthetic, the artist is helpless in disposition to accept free flowing energies and must allow them to flow and to express themselves. And it is this essence that manifest the aesthetic and that can bring the artist and the viewer of the art to tears of joy. The aesthetic is in its essence calm and painless, and capturing that gives the sojourner marvelous joy.

Occasionally however the energies will not flow, or at lest the energies that give the artist a cause to flow with creative energies, to swim in the essence that the artist and his craft are able to perceive and to channel and to translates into earthly material. When this occurs, it could be because something has caused the artist to shut down the receptors that desire that energy, either accidental o intentionally, the artist can bring a ceasing of creative energy flows. But artist are generally very vain people that need constant social reaffirmation and so it is unlikely that the cause of ceasing energy flows would be voluntary, the though it happens, disillusioned artist turning away from their talent and energies, it is rare. Accidental restrictions because of earthly personal hardships wars, sickness, family, economics, are more likely to shut down creative energy flows into the artistic mind than anything else. But there is a another thing that can cause a muse to fail, a creative energy to wane, dwindle and sink. Remember that the artist is tuning in to energies, more than being creative the artist is a conductor that assimilate energies well, but as energies flow through the universe they are not necessarily uniform nor continues, an artistic energy vessel will have not always find the energies that nourish its receptors and when this occurs, you may get writers block or you may all together cease to regenerate your aesthetic movements.

And then there is the other horrible thing that can happen to the artist. Being an energy vessel means that you can channel and harvest energies from the universal pond but it also means that you are more susceptible to all energies as well. Artist can sense things that others do not, artist are more tuned to external emotional conditions and colors, and because of that they are in a sense more fragile, and that figures on what happens if the artist begins to receive high doses of energies that are not favorable winds to the nurtured aesthetic. For that matter even a high energy flow of nurtured energies would still be more than the artist can cope, causing thoughts to pile up on one another obfuscating ideas or firing neurons into disabling limbs. Excess energy might lead the artist to cut their ears off, as a way to cause a greater pain, or to commit suicide, or to other destructive tendencies. But artists are not so much destructive because they are into pain, in fact artist are so sensitive that they actually have, of peoples in general, the lowest thresholds for pain. Religions people are into pain, you have to suffer a lot to feel the existence of something that does not exist in our context, but artist, artist hate pain, hate suffering, they even hate to struggle and work, and more they are cowards. Never trust an artist, there is just too much flexibility there. But that aside artist still seem to suffer and still seem to have a sort of masochistic image, and this is because high energy flows are hard to stomach, even if you are intuitively tuned to them, and remember artist are not wiser than the rest of the populace, artist still believe that they are special, and that they are unique in the universe, and not what they really are which is just an energy unit that touches other energy better than the other guy. And that being the case means that the artist, like all those people that started world war one, the great depression, and world war two, are just as susceptible to fall victim to their ignorance of energy flows. The artist are able to view the aesthetic because of their low pain threshold, they need to escape the pain of mortality and of the earthly struggle. To be a true artist is to be an escape artist.