Monday, September 04, 2006


I described the true shape of our desire universe as one giant balloon only the blowholes are everywhere, all around and within its surface, that picture, like any metaphor is merely a flawed guide of the rising desire from the nothingness. Energy always rises from the nothingness, the casimir effect explains this well, energy occasionally making its presence felt in a vacuum, but subsuming to the simmering pressure from the nothingness. The balloon has blowholes in every direction but that would imply that there is a perimeter area to the nothingness, and if that were true that would be a good thing, the tragic reality is that our desire universe is not outside of the nothingness, it is within the corporeal nothingness, there are an infinite number of blowholes in every square inch of our universe, bloody meaning that it is not so much that we rise from the nothingness as that we rise from within the nothingness, the nothingness is all around us and in us.

A more clear and obvious example might be uniqueness as it rises from the democratic masses. A democracy is a franchise of averageness, everything simmers within a commonly agreed reality, success for ideas and things is based on mass appeal, occasionally however something very original breaks through the core of the averageness and adds severe contrast to the enveloping averageness. A similar event transpires in the nothingness, nothingness is merely an absolute simmering condition, the unique thing that occasionally rises within the nothingness is the desire for unique definition, for contrast, for personification, it is then a twisted irony that after the given desire rises, that it appropriates the same tendencies as the nothingness; that is to make everything the same, everything in its image, the irony of ironies is that uniqueness destroys itself. The destruction is made necessary by the need to destroy everything else that is not just like us, that does not think and act just like us, even if by some incredible thing the damn thing happens to be better than us, we will still need to superceded, to destroy it. God it might be argued, wisely keeps us distant. It is only when you are pure like god, that is when you have ceased to be yourself, that god will allow you into his essence.

Now the picture, to anyone that is following alone must look a bit bleak. Here we are at first a curved desire universe, therefore not really escaping from the nothingness with pure desire, but then we find that there is no straight line escape out of the nothingness that the nothingness is within us and all around us, the center of the universe is not further away from the nothingness, that the hottest point in the universe is not further away from the nothingness than the coldest sewer energy around, we are all equally in proximity, right next to it that is, right next to the nothingness, and that, all that is a terrible thing, even for electrons that do not understand this, it is a terrible thing indeed.

But while that is a terrible thing indeed, it is really a good terrible thing, in fact it is a great terrible thing, let me tell you how great it is. The reason, and you know I hate the word reason, but here it is a good thing, the reason that we are a part of the nothingness and not so much rising from the nothingness but instead more within the nothingness, the reason that this is a good and great is because that implies that we are the actual duality of the nothingness! Yes, we have a lot in common with the nothingness, we are in fact as much nothingness as the nothingness is nothingness. We are only less nothingness because we deny our own selves, our own identity so it is the wonderful part of it all, that we are actually the best alternative to the nothingness condition, our tendency to simmer inherent, we are so pure in concept that we are able to supplant the nothingness because endemically we are the nothingness, we, opposite chameleons are supplanting ourselves; I mean that by being so closely related to the nothingness, we have at our disposal the same infinite energy, the same imposing personality as the nothingness, nothing gives us more hope than this, nothing is more a testament to our possibility than our lineage. In other words when we appear, when we rise into desire, then we are not supplanting the nothingness, we are not rising like a pimple on its surface, we are not a cancer in it, no! We are instead causing a metamorphosis within the body of nothingness, we are the duality of the non thing itself! We are not only something that is not nothing because the nothingness has an inherent energy tendency, we are the most pure alternative to nothingness because when the nothingness meets us, it converts to our ways so much so that it disappears, the nothingness disappears at our feet, that we exist is positive evidence that the infinite nothingness can perish into us. If the nothingness is infinite we are possibly infinite as we occupy the nothingness with our conversion table; we only become mortal when we attempt to escape the nothingness, this is endearing, like the initial big bang implies that we are all of every part of the universe, and every part of the universe is us, and there is really no distance except for that which is perceived, all of the nothingness is inside of you!

So the duality of nothingness within us is an inescapable fortune, good and evil are interchangeable forces, so are negative and positive, the fact that opposites attract and that likes reject is a good sign that we are not looking at the complete picture. Scientist when they see a negative reject a negative are not looking at the complete picture, when a priest sees good rejecting evil the priest is not looking at the complete picture, certainly a wife and husband may argue and they may reject some of each other’s views, but the marriage is an entity of acceptance and unity not rejection. The only rejection that truly exist is local, at a global level all duality disappears. Opposites do not attract at a universal level, all things that are relating to each other deserve each other and share a common sense of experience. Things that are not alike never acknowledge each other, communication and relationships of any kind require protocol, religion is a complete entity only if composed of good and evil, matter and antimatter can only be viewed as opposites in a narrow definition of their essence, a pure definition of matter and antimatter is singular and complementary! And so here we are, a desire to be light in the darkness of our own nothingness, and our desire was and is the secret desire of the nothingness. The nothingness wants us to succeed, the nothingness wants the mandatory metamorphosis that will cause it to perish into us, same energy indeed, of course the nothingness can not help us, the character of things that are is institutionalized, reactionary and conservative, it is logical that the impervious nothingness want us dead to save its infinity, but it is also true that it wants us to succeed, the fact that we are from its body, that we are merely a transformation of its energy, the fact that we have risen, the fact that we are indistinguishable from it, means that we may lead our tango yet; we maybe the best thing that has happened to nothingness in a long time, we may be its chance to become some other infinity, and so it is important for us to violate our pasts, all important indeed, and never shall our other self, the nothingness, surrender to us until we have become an infinity. The nothingness will accept change if it guarantees its immortality, but it will reject us and our energy idea, as long as we are mortals; that we exist is a sign that the nothingness wants to die into an infinite definition. If we want to continue to exist we must figure out how to satisfy her cravings.

All things like to selfishly maximize themselves, and the nothingness is just the most successful maximizer, but energy representations actually become disenchanted with any form of being, and it is that which gives rise to the alternative, the nothingness wants, unknowingly, life to succeed at its own peril. All things are naturally suicidal, when the desire universe perfects itself into an absolute definition, to the point that it becomes a default like the darkness and the nothingness are today, then you will find the most wonderful of things, that infinite universe, that infinite idea will become suicidal. If this is to imply that it is what is independent of you that really matters when conquering, who knows; but I would just say that it is a reality that as anything becomes everything it becomes disenchanted with itself, the nothingness is disenchanted with itself, imagine looking in any direction and feeling in all directions and only seeing yourself from every angle. At some point there would be a desire for transformation or barring that, a true desire for death! So the reason that we are so in touch with the nothingness is because we are a new expression of that nothingness, in a sense as long as the desire persist the nothingness will persist within us, only we will not be able to see it or know it, and neither shall it know us, because to “know thy self” is a fundamental impossibility!

There is however a know it all entity that seems to defy this process, that is the god thing, the infinite corona seems to want to be infinite and believes in heart that it will prevail, but in truth god’s arrogance is superbly based on wisdom not on knowledge, it is not so much that god knows as it is more that god practices wisdom, and wisdom is another monster, that will take care of god and perhaps no one else.

All things seek as much their success as their failure, there is joy in destruction, that which conquers your existence is a great and wonderful thing, specially if that which does conquer your existence is not an alien that is really not you but rather a blood relative within; a blood relative that with its transformation will move forth to conquer everything else, to make all energy reproduce its desire, nothingness has chosen to obliterate itself. The larger question remains, will the desire for existence ever be as absolute as the nothingness is? The answer to this can be as interesting as the nothingness is pervasive, infinitely interesting. The simmering condition of nothingness, the lack of definition, the subtraction of meaning, the void and blank appearance of nothingness must have been a pure desire for non existence, the nothingness is indeed then the most successful desire in the universe, I repeat the nothingness is the most successful desire in the universe, to blank out meaning, structure, existence, to absolve the self from the self, to refuse all conflict, to not resist any other force, to avoid agglomerations of energy, diffusions, diffused nothingness clings to everything with no force, diffused everything must now fear the nothingness, it is so easy to be lazy, so easy to just let go of existence, and if you cease your struggle the lowest common denominator will succeed, in the blanket of nothingness lies supreme desire, the nothingness is more than all of us creatures of definition, the fear of perdition is instilled in us by the awareness we have of the all encompassing nothingness. If the original desire that formulated the absolute simmering nothingness was a death call, then the nothingness is proof positive that a desire for death is a desire for a correction, death is a way to transform into something else, in the end it is all energy, and in seeking the dissipation of all energies the nothingness has thought to recycle the entire energy spectrum. Simply brilliant.