Monday, September 04, 2006


So we now know that the infinite and nothingness are so absolute in their value system that they do not give us a sense of their existence. Nothingness and Infinity are technically impossible to prove. Yet we conceive their existence not so much because we observe it but rather because we observe ourselves and our agglomerated consciousness full of well lighted matter universes, as produced by time and space. So nothingness and infinity two of one are not something that we can prove. How can you prove the strength of nothingness other than by proving that for things to exist in being they have to reach high concentrations of energy, and even at the low end perimeter of energy, consciousness requires steeply huge and relatively massive amounts of energy. The fact that things perish if their energy is not constantly fueled is a fact that is foolish to dispute, question it enough and then cease consumption and within days the results will clarify any misconceptions. Reality is in the end a struggling disparity within a plateau of sameness.

Further the one way nature of time, the tendency of time to formulate itself as a one way directional, does imply that time does have a point of origin, things that are linear in nature and there is no arrow that is more straight than time; time may slow and time may go faster but the one thing time can not do is reverse itself. You can of course go backwards in time, this is true condition for you, but not for time. Time can not go back upon itself, time is the straightest line in the universe, the most precise ruler, the champion of precision, and it is here that I must tell you the horror, time in a universe that is curved, is straight, it leads straight into perdition in the infinity, straight into nothingness, you can’t look deep enough into the future to see the end of time because time being a stellar linearist, a true ruler is always born before the entity that uses it as a method of measure. Time is therefore the closest entity to the infinity, it is the most near thing to nothingness, and it is brutal in its violation of intrinsic curvature.

In the graph above you can see how the curvature of space is most dramatic and extreme at the spiritual level, at such a level is the extreme of the escape from the infinity of nothingness, it logically peaks and narrows at this level because of its apparent impossibility. Not only does life end up living at the perimeter and borderline of nothingness, but because it is an explosive flow from the corporal body of nothingness, it is the coldest, the most aged, the most burnt up portion of the energy process. Life is the most energy efficient property of a cosmic energy escape condition, the mind is remarkably energy efficient, a thought is practically energyless, which is what you would expect from a creature that nearing its cosmic perdition, yet wanting to keep its identity suddenly must answer one very important and the only real question: Can we exist in a zero energy state or in another unimaginable condition? This is the biggest question nothing else matters if we can’t answer this one.

You must wonder how I dare to make this the all encompassing question and I will be happy but sad to explain: You see, the curvature of space is a telling and terrible biographical comment on our escape. Any escape action such as the one we have attempted from nothingness, ever changing disguises in order to continue our existence in a volatile energy state, in the most irrational condition imaginable because it is the least sustainable, and it is the least sustainable because the infinity of nothingness requires no effort to sustain, and that which is a default value, that which is the most constant thing in the universe, is the most rational, the last thing we want as life is to default to that rationality, we want to be irrational, we want life to be sustainable by other means, and the cosmic exists to try to prove and to function as the irrational.

Now there are only two types of escapes, false and real escapes. A false escape is one that is a deception or that is not successful. A prisoner, probably the clearest personification of a need to escape the singular condition of incarceration, can escape and his escape condition will have two choices: to be a true escape or a false escape. A true escape is one in which the prisoner really escapes, that is, a more straight condition than a curved condition, although there will always be the possibility of returning to prison because a character that is in trouble with the law is probably at odds with the law in general and so such a character will have a high curvature possibility of returning to prison, a character that has the least curvature that is the least in common with legal improprieties, that is the least in common with the prison system will stand clear of it in the long run and therefor we can say that it has accomplished a straight escape with the least potential to return to the escaped condition: Incarceration.

But if our character is a felon, a creature that rubs the justice system frequently the wrong way, that is, one that touches it a lot, and that feels himself through it, that individual will have the tendency to carry out actions that are acknowledged by the legal system and such an individual will most certainly be caught in that orbit and as much justify the existence of the system that punishes him. In short, a prisoner creates and feeds the very system that he must despise and truly wish to abolish. Again while we can discuss the symbiotic nature of this strange relationship, for it is most interesting how they both depend on one another; our main point is to understand that a true escape is not possible for the prisoner that embodies the illegalities that justice most feeds upon. Justice will seek out the felon with the tenacity used by any predator seeking its prey because justice depends on finding criminals for its existence. So a fellow that meets the criteria for prey will certainly leave a trail that can be sniffed out by eager justice, and so it is most likely that justice will find him again at odds with legal structures and imprison him. Such a man will not acquire a true escape, his curvature will arc back into the cell.

There are possibilities for a true escape, two that I know of, there may be more, but I rather doubt it. The first possibility for the escape is for the prisoner to find a way out, either by digging a hole to escape through or by running out the clock of his sentence. Either way, the individual simply has to make sure to stay in a straight course away from the grasp of the law. Anything that the escaped or released man does that will somehow arouse suspicion, or cause legal forces to go into action, will increase curvature. If the experience was unpleasant enough we can then assume that the man will change his ways and because of that will maintain a sort of jagged linearity away from the grasp of justice. These are true escapes; a man that has changed enough out of a clear desire not to live in an imprisoned condition again will not suffer severe curvature before his life is exhausted.

To accomplish a true escape you have to change yourself enough so that the thing that catches you in that particular condition will not recognize you, it will leave you alone, it will have nothing in common with you. Things only smell similarities; the justice system is a hound dog, it uses criminal instinct to smell out a criminal, so change, fundamental change, is key for the prisoner to avoid prison, and the further away you want to be from the clutches of justice the more you have to change yourself away from the crime. And the change can not be merely a decision, things that hide attract justice, justice does not think that honest things need to protect from it because it does not feed on honest things, the idea that justice might confuse an honest person for prey is considered an abnormally. It is probably safe to assume that this is true because if justice is going hungry if there are not enough criminals then it starts netting, netting is when justice feels deprived of resources and is striving for criminal justification for feeding, so it begins to erect nets, nets are laws, laws that restrict more and more, and thus bring-out more prey for justice to feed upon, so the erection of laws is most necessary in a law abiding society, this is because the justice will need to expand within every frame of that society. Lawless societies will always have less regulation and justice simply because there is plenty of lawlessness for justice to flower in, further the more laws there are the more technicalities that justice will have to execute to catch its prey and so it is inherently in the interest of justice that fewer restriction be in existence so that it can go brutal at will. So the point is you need to really not touch the justice system so as not to feed it with your energies at any level. In civilized societies this becomes very difficult because civilized societies having a greater degree of order need to imagine illegalities, that is to imagine crimes and then to make those imaginary crimes real enough so as to incarcerate a person. This is what happens when justice seeks to encompass everything and to reach every aspect of a life to sustain its own existence. If you are an ideal person, one that does not break any laws and is always aware of what is the wrong thing to do, then you are a perfectly boring person but one that has acquired a sort of parallel linearity with justice, and so you will never experience the rigors of its courts and the life consuming power of its prisons. You will have accomplished a parallel linearity with justice.

But all that has a taste of still somehow being in the clutches of what is our sample entity justice, you are still somehow influenced by it, you are in a sense still it’s victim and certainly suffering the possibility that as justice grows, it will invariably need to consume all life. That pure justice is impossible because it is largely inconceivable is not something that can be acknowledge by justice. And so you might remember that I mentioned that there are two possible ways for the escape to be complete, both by the way share one thing in common, transformation. To acquire a linearity from justice you must be unrecognizable to it. Of course this is merely a physical and principled escape and one that you must hold suspect because justice is a substrata of your consciousness, it exist within it, it does not exist outside of it, and somehow it embodies it and so to alienate justice is to alienate o portion of yourself that you may or may not find useful. You are technically a substrata of nothingness, you can find the beginning and the end of justice but you can not find the beginning nor the end of nothingness and infinity. Justice might be hurt because you reject it for you are after all the very thing that grants its existence, and so justice will always want to justify herself to you, and it will attempt to prove to you that even as she consumes you she is in your best interest. The fact that it steals yourself energy can be hidden under such justification. All entities behave like this and it is imperative that they somehow fundamentally alter our reality for us to accept them. In a sense justice like philosophy, religion or poetry serves to increase our proportion in being and so while we are certainly swallowed by it, we are also more because of it, the artificial entity is a way for us to reach out further and further into the incomprehensibility of what might be an other wise sterile existence. And that this leads us to the other forms of escape is perhaps more liberating, it is the idea, the imagination of an escape, the placing of your soul and self in an alternate reality that is not touchable by the pervasive forces of that which accumulates itself under your feet, and circles and constricts them like a python.

The other form of escape then is the idea, power free almost, the mind, that is not a brain, the mind that can perceive without registering its existence in space time, a mind that can technically exist in the subzero nature of everything and exist in the absolute high temperature of everything, a mind that is independent of evolution, a consciousness that exist as an entity and as an entity that has character but is not subject to absolutes, that is the one that can inhabit and study the nothingness of its origins, the one that can begin to discern a difference in structure, the one that can assert that their pockets of energy in nothingness, the one that can see an anomaly where there are none, that mind will formulate the final escape velocity from nothingness. Today the perimeter that that consciousness inhabits is as wide as where it is hottest and as low as where it is coldest, those are its boundaries but the external of that, the incomprehensible that gives rise to this which we really are is where we want our mind to go, powered from here perhaps, attracted into an intolerable environment of infinity and nothingness by the mere choice to do so, by its desire, by its will, by its incessant appetite to occupy everything not by the rules of the infinite but rather by its intemperate will. How to acquire a linearity from nothingness if you can’t? How to acquire an liberation from the diminishing energy? How to acquire life as a pure idea that can breath in nothingness? This is the escape question that must be and is in part being thought out by our humanity.

Our cosmic repulsion and overreaction to the nothingness and indifference of an infinity that simmers is a renegade attempt at making something, at giving a value to something, at isolating a condition from an immensity that can not be measured or adulterated by value. Can we operate in a zero energy state; having fought the big fight of forcing a massive discomforting level of energy accumulation, that even with all its creative force was not strong enough to be thrown outward but merely implodes into itself, creating a massive bulbous curvature, what are we to expect. For nothing is more interesting than the fact that our explosion from nothingness was not a picture of a real or absolute escape we are imploding back into the nothingness, and the curvature of the universe hands out eviction notices constantly. The universe is going to implode, the universe is not expanding forever, it is flattening out into the infinity point and that is where our origin registers. Let me graph it out for you:

False Escape Geometry has Inherent Curvature and theoretically an inherent left tendency back into the nothingness.

Infinity nothingness

True Escape Geometry has zero curvature but mimics curvature with geodesic spheres


infinity nothingness

In the above figures you can see the explosive nature of a true escape universe vs. the explosive nature of the false escape universe. We live in the false escape universe and we are unfortunate that we did not accomplish a true escape universe on our first attempt at escaping the infinity of nothingness. The difference is very important because you certainly can overcome an infinity with another infinity; this may seem a bit challenging to apprehend but you just have to look at it from the perspective of equals, equals can coexist but non equals must consume each other. The simmering nature of the universe dictates that all disparity must be equaled and so disparities must consume each other to avoid the equalizing and dispersing force of simmering. So all consumption is based on inequality. All relationships are fundamentally based on equality, disparity always consume. So two infinities can coexist based on the fundamental laws that makes equals technically the same indiscernible thing, equals share similarities at absolute levels, two infinities share infinity in common so they can not consume each other, this is the wonderful part of the everything, but it is also the most troubling because it is it is difficult to obtain equality when nothingness in its infinity has had the lead due to an infinite amount of time. All things that startup with time start out with a maximum handicap and it is to overcome this time problem that is technically interesting in our existence. You can look at this many angles but an existence is technically attempting to overcome two things one simmering which entails a lot of nothingness and the other time. In order for life to persist in an infinity it will have to max itself out as the sole occupier of its infinity, in order words it must first conquer the universe and beyond, only then will life have equal footing with nothingness. The possibility of this is mapped out by its inherent desire to see everything and be everything but life must really become in touch with all of its parts to accomplish this formidable challenge, and there are many parts of life that struggle against other parts of life, and so the great question is can life bring harmony to the universe or will something else homogenize it, there are many competing factors that have it in their interest to make the universe in their image, humanity is just on aspect of this, and its consciousness one brilliant possibility but it is born in the darkest recesses of space which makes it hope against the ever increasing impossibility. Life as you and I know it is the final battle cry of the universe, so your option is to crystallize the universe and to bring more order and symmetry into it, it is a containment strategy, and can such work?

The straight arrow universe allows for the infinity to be absolute, there might not be any curvature is such a universe, a sphere would find it difficult to inhabit, but such a universe would certainly absolve the geodesic as the nearest thing to sphere, this because the geodesic would have the value that it could use to use historic elements to its advantage. It is possible to imagine a linear universe that is born from the wreckage of a curved universe, and if so it stand to reason that there might be advantages to curvature that thought impossible to obtain in the linear universe might still be obtainable through the heavy application of geodesics. The abuse of geodesics by the linear universe will lead to a most fascinating development, time will have the ability to travel in all geodesic directions, that is correct, time would be able to travel in all geodesic directions, and this would give such a universe a diversity of time experience that would put it a lot closer to infinity. In nothingness time is allowed to travel in all directions it undulates, it wobbles, it oscillates, it waves, it particles, and because of this time propagates incessantly in every direction, this of course means that nothingness gets flooded with time and flooded with time is what makes an infinity. There is time everywhere and in every direction, in an infinity time goes through everything, it has absolute right of passage and this gives nothingness, thanks to its lack of rigidity, the infinity it do desires for itself. So a geodesic universe will have be a little closer to infinity, it will be closer to being flooded with time but it will not be timeless until time inhabits every aspect of it, which its straight line geometry will defy, so here the immediate problem for such a universe is that it must at some point brake its symmetry, ouch, which incidentally is the cause of its strength. At what point the breakage of symmetry takes place in the geodesic universe will also determine if it will survive, symmetry breaking is a tortuous affair, but it is necessary for time to be amorphously absorbed in all directions, if when the universe breaks apart it does not have enough of a sense of self so as to reference all of its parts without connections, it is this reference of self that holds nothingness together so well, and it is when this disconnect takes place that determines weather something will continue to be itself or perish into something in less discord within itself. Regardless at some point the linear universe, with all its geodesic beauty will have to break the crystal to allow time the absolute freedom that it requires to be infinity.

The linear geodesic universe may have it problems but at least it has a good chance at infinity, the curved universe with only one direction of time has the problem of needing to liberate time at every level, it is the farthest possible from infinity, one less direction of time and the whole thing disappears, really! You can’t subtract time from a curved one dimension universe, to do so is immediate death, complete death. So how can we overcome all of the obvious finality that accompany us. to greatness;

So it would have been entirely to angle our infinity from the infinity that now possesses us but this would have required a more absolute sense from nothingness. Not an easy thing to accomplish. How can I say this with such certainty, because the universe is curved, this means that our universe is irreversibly to implode back into itself, and more backwards back into nothingness.

When a universal consciousness manages to accidentally acquire an energy agglomeration within nothingness it explodes into existence it is the volatility of that existence and by volatility I mean the energy content in it that determines the longevity of its escape. The more force the escape has, that is the more energy that explodes the more straight the universe, absolute straightness would inherently give rise to an infinity, there is always the problem that since from any angle you are really exploding within the corporal structure of nothingness that any infinity will inevitably reach out into its own nothingness but we are unfortunately so far away from this condition that we shall not worry about it here. The relevant point here is that if the agglomeration of energy is high enough and it manages to go straight, it will acquire a polygonic structure that will permit for it to rob nothingness of time from more than one angle. It will siphon more time by allowing it to flow within its body in more directions. To allow time to travel in more directions within the confines of structure requires massive concentrations of energy, in nothingness there are no patterns, time is diluted, but time faced with a universal structure will generally abstain from participation, this is because time loves infinity just like anyone else, and so it finds itself, in a most precarious situation, one in which it has to limit itself, a conditional structure that makes it travel with a sense of direction, and focus, a structure channels time, and so the inherent complexity of a structure will determine the flows of time within that structure. Time is generally infinite, but within the confines of a universe time can come naught, a universe is not inherently infinite, because time ends in it, and time ends a universe when it can no longer flow at all in it, when the energy of that universe collapses it can not create a path for time.

So all universes by definition of their need for structure have a severe incompatibility with the infinite nature of time a nature that seeks infinity for itself, and a nature that can only inhabit infinity in the same way that anything else can acquire infinity, by being inherently in everything. Structure isolates and by isolation it causes things to have a severe need to compete for resources, invariably they will be forced to simmer, but until then, in structure all things are at war because they are imbalance and not complete, they are all portions, incomplete absolutes, and as such will invariably share in the horror of their incompleteness. But definition is a great thing in that it creates awareness, a strange thing and that is what keeps it all strangely together. Key here is to know that we live in the curved universe that promises to return to nothingness. A universe that acquires a straight line escape from the nothingness, that is a true escape will have a longer existence because of its greater sense of self, but more because of its greater energy which will give it a greater geometry which will rob more time from nothingness because it will siphon more time through its greater path potential created by it’s high energy quotient ring. It is imperative for a universe to allow more directions for time, it is here that the life expectancy of a universe is determined, and nothing determines more the death that awaits ours more than the singular direction we have for time.

Nothingness - Infinity

Our curved universe allowing for a singular flow for time. That flow inevitable curves within itself back into the nothingness. The absolute existence of the universe is more dependant on how much time it can allow to flow within itself. Only by increasing the dynamic flow of time can we acquire longevity for our universe. It does not matter how massive the universe is, escape velocity does not overcome gravitational pull, escape velocity allows for greater time dynamics, this is what truly determines the life expectancy of a universe.

Nothingness - Infinity

A geodesic universe allowing for time to flow in any direction within the constraints of a geodesic. This does require more energy in order to force time to accept the restraining environment, that will limit it, that will make it mortal. The fortunate will be those that will inhabit because they will all suffer more time, more time flows greater expression within the confines of their universe.

Everything that exist in the geodesic or curved universe is subtracted form the nothingness by force. It is the will to establish existence, to avoid indifference that coerces this concentration to take effect. What is more interesting from it, is that in order to fight against the nothingness this entity will have to assume a solidarity that will largely make it very similar to its worst enemy.

Flame shape universe The nothingness infinity Life more likely closer to the perimeter

In the above fig you can see how the universe is more of a flame occurring within the infinity of nothingness, the center of it is where the ignition of form and definition takes place, as it expands further out into the nothingness that it escapes from, it meets with the more and more of the nothingness infinity that it is attempting to defy with geometry. The outer edges will be the coldest, the center of course the hottest, and it is where it is expanding into that it is also banishing back into the nothingness. Interestingly the edges is where life is more possible, consciousness arises because of proximity to the finality. The human consciousness might actually be trying to outsmart itself back into the nothingness infinity.

Geodesic linear shape universe The nothingness infinity Life more likely closer to the edge of the expansion

In the above fig you can see how explosively powerful a linear universe is against the nothingness, it has a maximum potential to almost equal the infinity of nothingness but ultimately it can not be infinite because it lacks infinite directions for time, it is constraint by the geodesic structure which gives it fantastic definition against the nothingness but also limits the directions in which time can travel. Time has to be able to travel in all directions in order to display infinity.

This is why crystals are so precious because they define our architecture, our supreme nature if we could endure it, and actually crystals may actually contain the most massive amounts of energy, the formation of their absolute and almost perfect geometry is the a rigorous show of force against the nothingness. Crystal defy the nothingness with massive amounts of concentration, it is also incredibly easily to dislocate their symmetry, because their tension is so fantastic that it quivers on very strict points of space, any slight variation and they are raped of their symmetry, they shatter mostly because of their own tension. Which is again the most sure force against the perdition of definition.

Crystallization objectifies our condition under our terms, it is determined to skip the condition of nothingness forever and it is in this perfection of our being, in this objectification of our condition that we find the aesthetic, it is the supreme escape into the purest form, it is an absolute value and if it can be maintained against the nothingness possibly infinite. It is possible to imagine that such crystallization has a very good chance at a short eternity, it is that belief that forms our conception of what we need to call the painless, struggle free condition of existence.