In some strange way the universe does require our being, it seems at first a unnecessary requirement, we are fragile creatures that can easily over heat under very serene pressures. All around us things are pushing their way into us, and yet we resist them, we push them away, we keep them at bay, but the resistance always crashes back on us, as humans our capacity to perish is immense.
You can’t walk away from the universe, you both need each other, the universe needs you to express its existence, to create a nature of being, to divine the spirit of existence, and like the head and hart of any being, you are a fragile organ. The universe too is fragile that is why you exist. The universe does not want to die so it created you to rescue it from its longer, in coming, but no less certain death. Only the brain and heart is suffering from an autodidactic disease. The brain and heart of the universe is trying to outmaneuver and conquer itself, its own kind . When you are your only enemy you are the only one that will lose.