Monday, September 04, 2006


As the cosmic sea of energy cools it begins to beach itself into the nothingness but it encounters an immediate rejection from the nothingness. A rejection from the nothingness because the nothingness does not accept energy definition, so while the nothingness does not pressure the cooling energy away from the nothingness, it is impossible for cooling energy to penetrate the barrier of an absolute simmering void, it has itself rejected that condition, the nothingness will only let more nothingness into the nothingness, and that forms a retaining wall that forbids strange energy formations from entering into the nothingness and try to make a name for themselves altercating the infinite simmering or call it the all to righteous rest period.

The cooling energy surfing into the void suddenly contracts because it does not also sense a continuation of equivalent energy, it does not sense the medium that it is familiar with, and this creates a petrified contraction, within the same point of space, not forgetting that this action is more multidimensional than based on space or time, so the energy hastily recedes into the cosmic energy universe from which it flows. This induces a reflection, caused by agonizing perdition, at once having crashed the void, and then reverting into the prismatic cosmic sea; the sum total of that violence is an undertow of awareness, a conscious realization of finality, immediate awareness, point zero caressing evolves into a perplexing emotional confusion: Why must I die? why must the universe end? and since I am now colder than my endemic nature believes I should be, how can I become more myself and more the universe?

It is in this perplexing undertow, caused by a collision with the nothingness that once was formidably rejected by pure desire to exist, and now seeing it from the anus of the zenith, of an energy existence, repelled by void indifference, by its simmering, by its lack of conflagration, an undertow of consciousness, flowing within the borders of nothingness, registering the last resistance of an inevitable marriage. At this border a pool of undertow consciousness creates itself, an undertow like that which makes you dizzy in the stomach and not help you with direction, and that consciousness desires to understand, desires to live forever, a consciousness that adores energy desires, a consciousness that despises the nothingness.

Undertow consciousness is energy efficient because it is nurtured by dying energy, it is after all, what powers and fuels the material existence of entities that inhabit low energy regions. For instance life, sewer energy, is born from the desire of undertow consciousness but there are many other manifestations of this undertow of desire. And while it all ought to be a good thing, a material consciousness rising in the undertow of consciousness, as caused by helpless and beached energy, is still however less energy than the pool of undertow consciousness, it is but a spec of it, and it must cannibalize other material energy manifestations, products all of the same undertow, so as to sustain itself, and so it is that the upsurge of undertow consciousness, is merely more filtering down towards a final energy death.

It is possible, if you are faithful, to believe that the surge of consciousness, is a good and wonderful opportunity to create alternatives to the ancestry of material energy. More wonderful it would be however if you could return to the consciousness, if you could become a part of it again, it is your memory of being a part of that consciousness, that though not universal in nature, consciousness only rises in cooling regions crashing into the nothingness, but though it is not universal, it is greater than you are, and more than you are, and it feels the universe more than you do. This is the cause of mystic awareness, a connection to that consciousness that rises in desperation to touch itself, and it is this undertow consciousness which you indeed feel most and that can recycle you, within the undertow, you don’t become part of the greater universe but you can reincarnate, a sort of cruel modification to eternity, patch work eternity..

If you could live in that consciousness it would be a wonderful thing but it would also be a major reversal of energy flows, at least from your perspective of it all. It cost the cosmic consciousness less to make life, anything created in the avalanche of energy depletion is free of charge. You may then imagine that consciousness and wish to return to it, but as you cool the links between you and it are severed.