There is nothing that kills faith more than knowledge, there is no greater criminal against the unseen and the improbable than knowledge. Knowledge needs proof, it requires representation, it mandates repetition. Theories of knowledge and theories that explain the universe rise and fall based on the ever changing subjective applicability. It is not then that our ancestors were wrong, as it is more that they are not right today. The idea that they had of knowledge was valid and applicable in their reality, it is however invalid today and not applicable today because we live in a different time and space, the universe has changed, and it is the change that formulates that our views change to adapt to the new local laws, we are not fools, no age has produced a people that did not know their own reality, if fact if we existed in the past, then we would have believed the same things that our ancestors believed, the scientist of today would have been the alchemist of the pasts. What is different however, and what makes us think that the pasts is wrong is the fact that we are grading it with what we know to be true today, the pasts then suffers the prejudice of time and space isolation, we were not there, but we know for a fact that they were wrong, and under the same critical eye, we must accept that a few thousand years from now we will be judge as harshly and with the same condescending attitude as our ancestors. Beware.
As much as the everyone wants to believe that there is an objective world, a world that is independent of us, that is just because of its independence, the truth, and this is a fundamental truth is that the entire universe is subjective and more subjective the more you reduce it. The laws of science work as long as you do not try to apply them to everything in the universe, if you try to make them encompass all you will fail utterly, and it all will end with the universe proving science wrong.
There are good reasons for the scientists to believe that the entire universe is made in their image, first they are creatures of the universe, the elements that gave rise to humanity seem to work as consistent structures all following patterns that can be explained with physical laws, that is to say that the universe would not have given rise to something that was not in its own image, so the fact that we reason is good cause to believe that the universe reasons. This is al actually very reasonable and that is precisely why it is wrong.
The universe was created by a desire that is not reasonable but rather unreasonable, a universe created from unreasonable roots will not work according to reason, more it is, that reason is subservient and a product of the original unreasonable desire to exist, to create, to exceed limitations, all these is to be unreasonable. Reasonable things exist within the constraints of that which already exist and is not changing or exceeding itself. It is the irrational desire, the irrational passion to exist without question as a universe, that has no logic in it; there is no justification here, desire is a cause without a reason, we want to exist, there is nothing in the universe that would dare say, absolutely and beyond doubt that existence is a good thing and that it obeys important and fundamental concepts. Nothing justifies the existence of the universe, no law, no rules, no guidelines; and the fact that our desire idea of a universe is dying back into the nothingness is grand evidence that the fundamental law, if there is such a thing, really wants to destroy us, more it is out to kill us than keep us alive, there is a greater probability that you will cease to exist than there is of you continuing to exist, and in fact the temporary nature of your existence is evidence that the laws, if any, that govern us are themselves temporary! Immortal immutable laws would be observable by the immortal that would be a victim of those laws. The transcendental nature of our existence allows us to observe everything that is temporary and therefore for sure not true or absolute, humanity can not see an absolute. Everything out there wants you dead so that it can use your energy to become more of what it is, not you, there is no good reason why the universe should keep you around, there are a lot of unreasonable reasons why you should continue to exist, it is those that maintain your existence.
But before you think that this is a bad thing let me tell you that it is a good thing, I mean not to say that it is a good thing that you are a mortal, and a mortal that everyone wants to kill before the logical expiration of your existence, but rather that it is a good thing that you are the subjective embodiment of your locality. You feel that which is around you, you are a part of everything that is mortal in this universe, what makes you feel the mortality of the universe, and what makes you desire that the universe survive its death zone, is that you feel the universe, not that you know it, not that you see the mechanics of extinction as they really work, you don’t, but you feel them, you feel them at work in your blood and ichor, and this is why you crave to reverse the process, to seek infinity, you want to save the universe and by association to save yourself. Philanthropy is eternalized selfishness, save the universe and you might save yourself.
The problem with knowledge, the tool that humanity has decided to use to conquer and solve the mortality problem, is that it is mechanical, external and not objective. Knowledge is how we categorize and arrange things that we can touch and feel with our physicality. But to touch and feel the universe that we are a part of, to reach into the ephemeral nature of our universe we can not be bound to knowledge, we must insist on going beyond that, beyond the locality of our existence and beyond the locality of our knowledge. While we are sewer energy we are also the most mature energy in the universe, if energy could be mature by the fact that we have been through the full experience of energy, that is we were once high cosmic energy and we are now close to zero heat, and very soon we will be a fossil of energy, so we are the most experienced energy in the universe, and that means that we have seen it all, our despair rises from the knowledge of our impending doom, but we are not doomed from lack of experience.
If the universe and its history is within us, and more if the future of all of the universe is more within us, as the universe cools it will become more like us, and the more life, life like us, the more the cooling of the universe, onto death; and so it is unreasonable to believe that we should seek to procreate the very thing that is our universal enemy, life. Why would we want to continue to dilute the energy of the universe? We see ourselves as isolated entities, pockets of low energy that have the ability to suffer an evolving consciousness, all wonderful and special; but what we really are is vehicles transferring energy into the final stages of absolute zero. More energy value can be found in destroying life, by destroying life then, one of the mechanisms by which energy is subtracted from our universe would be shut down, and the rest of the energy in the universe would be trapped for a longer period of time. But clogging up sewer energy flows is a like telling a cancer not to grow, you can’t deny life to that which has known it, perhaps a natural disaster will help but life is more interested in propagation than personal suicide for the sake of energy conservation.
I have tried very hard to imagine that the universe appreciates us, that the universe sees a real benefit in us, certainly as a consciousness we may be able to devise a solution to the entropy problem so when I drink my coffee I am glad that energy dissipates quickly until it reaches that ideal drinking temperature, but while we have the gamut of energy experience and are now approaching the zenith hour, it might be a fair assumption that we are not the solution to this universal problem except for one minor thing, wisdom.
It is a strange thing, wisdom, and it will become more strange to stranger things, but wisdom is an energy that actually connects us to the rest of the universe, in ways and forms that are puzzling and magnificent and vigorously phenomenal. We made a bad move going into knowledge but this was because of our locality, we are not at every level of the universe, more and more our lowering temperature restricts our movement and connection to it all, so knowledge serves us well to understand the local territory so that we may perceive the greater nature of it all.
Knowledge works at the local level because it is based on time, so knowledge can be in any point of space but it serves things much like a clock, to adjust the view and perception of locality. The earth year for instance has made it possible for us to create a wonderful calendar, but no one would be ridiculous enough to believe that the measure that we have for time is also a universal calendar. The same is true for the metric system, it is great and nice but being the product of time, as all measurements are, it caters to a locality.
Relativity valiantly tries to create a universal idea of time after you add or subtract a perception so that all things in then end can count on seeing the same perspective. But relativity is ultimately playing dice with the universe, it is deleting the perceptions so that they are all the same from any point, this is ingenious but not given to universals. Again universals are fantastic concepts, but only the universe as a whole uses them and no one really knows how the universe as a whole does the universal thing, and the reason we do not know is because we are not able to review the external structures that live outside of our universe. Ultimately what ever universal laws the universe is willing to obey, they will have something to do with how the universe interacts with that which contains the universal body.
But time in creating measure creates knowledge. Wherever time is born there too instantaneously rises knowledge. It is the ability to detect the coming of the night that gives rise to the immense measuring epistemological intellect. Knowledge is nothing more than a measurement, knowledge is the tool to measure things, except the most important thing of all, emotions! Measuring the speed of light is an easy trick for knowledge to perform because knowledge and time are so intertwined that it is a very personalized measure, once you measure things from every angle and direction and dynamic you can recreate them, recreating things is very amusing which is why today we are maniacal worshipers of knowledge, that is of measurement, we love to measure. But measuring an emotion or the root of an emotion, or measuring a desire, or measuring irrationality, that is an impossibility for knowledge. It is an impossibility because knowledge is a ruler and rulers do not measure inconsistency, they do not measure madness, they do not measure boiling blood, they only measure things that hold still long enough to be measured, and measured in time and in space. But unfortunately there are many things outside the knowable and it just so happens that what is outside the logical and knowable realm is what is fundamental to a desire driven universe that maximizes its existence based on irrational principles.
The connection to time and knowledge is so severe that if you want to measure a persons intelligence all you have to do is measure their perception of time. Undoubtedly the people that will score the highest will be those that have a more accurate perception of time; knowledge is all based on the degree of time perception, the most knowledgeable people in the world will have wonderful sense of time, that is a wonderful ability to judge and measure. But now to invent something like relativity, and it is just that an invention, to invent some thing like relativity and quantum more than having an ability to measure you have to have an emotional sense of the universe, relativity is the product of feeling the universe, it is the product of an emotional sensitivity that is so wondrous that it can tune to the wonder of the universe. It may still be wrong, feelings do not necessarily increase accuracy, but they increase perception. A person that needs measurement, that is a person that requires knowledge is usually a person that is not tuning to their emotional sense of self. Uncertainty gives rise to the importance of knowledge, to invest in knowledge is to hide your emotional insecurities.
Imagine how difficult it is for a scientist to imagine or believe that the universe is born of a desire, a desire born from within the heart of nothingness, that seeks to acquire definition. Tell the scientist that the universe is held together by the original intensity of the initiating desire, and then say that life and intellect is not a radiant wonder but rather that it is the result of a dying desire, that life is a dying desire’s expression of an attempt at saving itself, and yet that life is in the end not enough in touch with the universe anymore, to explain to the universe its condition, much less to rescue it from its perdition, that life is in fact that which assist in dissipating energy faster, that life is in fact propagating sewer energy that radiates the heat of the universe into absolute zero. Scientist are good people but they have maximum limitations because they are measuring personalities, what a scientist fears more is uncertainty, but it is uncertainty that gives us access to infinite possibility. A universe of desire is based on perception, limit that perception and you are killing the potential desire condition of the universe. Life promotes knowledge because it is killing, I say killing the universe, not edifying it, not making it better, but destroying it!
It is absurd to ask limited energy to believe in infinite possibility, we are not neutrinos, with do not share their levity nor their incredible survivability factor, so if we are not neutrinos why am I proposing that we think like them? Am I insane? To be fair we have to allow for the possibility of my insanity, but I presume there must be a certain insanity in being a neutrino. When you get to the basics of all things you find out that from the basics you can make anything, it is after things acquire definition that they become more rigorous about their ways, cellular structures at their most rudimentary level can become livers or kidneys or hearts, quantum particles have long been known to do whatever they damn please; the point is simple by categorizing the universe we are not getting closer to solving the entropy problem, knowing about the universe increases entropy, you are helping the universe to die faster, it would seem like we are heading in the wrong direction if we are advancing what we are trying to avoid. So what is the alternative?
I am so glad you asked. First we must answer what it is that we seek from knowledge, we seek understanding. That is all, we just want to understand ourselves and our universe. That being the case how many roads are there leading to the obtainment of understanding? I don’t know how many but I can tell you that knowledge is just one of them and for those of us who want to understand things, before absolute zero gets around to collecting our photons, knowledge is to damn slow, to pedestrian, and to limiting. You might say if our universe is doomed into perdition and we are more immediately doomed into perdition why bother to try to understand what is happening and how to change it. Remember that we are as much the nothingness as not, we rise from it, as we return to it, it is not so much that our energy perishes, it is more that the energy enters a condition of sameness so absolute that there are no variations for one aspect of the nothingness to distinguish itself from other aspects of the nothingness, the energy that exist within the nothingness cancels itself out, perhaps because it wants to avoid conflict, perhaps because it needs a rest, but in that indiscernible simmering energy rest the possibility for all infinite future desires, that means that the more awareness we accumulate within our energy that the awareness will persist within us, an experience can not be subtracted, energy is an inherent history of all of itself and all of its environments, so it is possible to imagine, and it is what I propose is in our interest to imagine, that the awareness obtained here might serve to create a more pure desire universe, or that it may even produce an absolute change within the nothingness, or it may finally produce something entirely different from the universe, and from the nothingness, and that something may supercede both or either. It is that possibility, that we must believe in, the fact that we will not know that future things are us, or that they are because of us, nor the fact that those future things will ignore us, or not know of our contribution to a possible infinity is irrelevant; we can’t not escape!
But now that we have established this interesting phenomena, at least to my satisfaction, and we know that we must try to understand it all what alternative avenue is there to explore the mysteries and wonders of the universe? There are of course many alternatives, the horoscope is a possibility, horoscopes are more inclusive than science because they allow for unnatural phenomena to interact with natural phenomena. A horoscope can chart evil energies, positive energies, it can accommodate the physicality of the moon, and the interaction of unique cosmic events; and horoscopes touch knowledge by using measurement to perceive events or emotional conceptualizations. What is even more interesting about horoscopes is that they are not deterministic in nature, they merely ascertain probability, if you are an Aries your are probably all of these things but there are a thousand variables why you could be many other things and the universe will lean in your direction on this day but you could change that. So horoscopes are interesting, very interesting but when knowledge took over the world it practically brought all intuitive based investigations to a halt.
Relativity and quantum are more products of intuition than they are products of knowledge, so their origins have more in common with horoscopes than they do with logic, both relativity and quantum are accepted machinations, just like once horoscopes were accepted machinations, it is all relative to history, and the origin is all based on feel good intuition. The world has knowledge because it intuits that knowledge and chooses to believe in it as a matter of fact. Any of the aspects from conceptualization to acceptance can be brought down at will, security requirements and the law of mental inertia, as governed by fear, forbids dramatic social changes; people may believe that the world and humanity has changed much since the birth of humanity, but what is truly remarkable is how little the world has really changed, the needs and wants and even the politics of modern humanity share much in common with those of the ancestors in Africa, in the fertile crescent and as far as the great wall. The primary changes that have taken place are not radical, we move faster. But no one ever remained king without popular support, warriors that could lead clans did not come cheaply then nor now. As it should be expected from a society that has concentrated its creative energy on knowledge today we have faster locomotion, we communicate faster, we trade faster, but it is the economic trade routes and those that can guarantee their flow that still rule! Our historical and cultural disassociation with the past is mostly based on arrogant perception, we want dearly to be better than our barbarian ancestors and so we dehumanize them. Hence we are not.
Go into origins we are the product of an irrational idea, separation from that is impossible, even the reductionism by process of rationalization can’t escape its roots, so in the end I will dare prophecy that knowledge based systems such as technology will have limited success and that they will be guided by intuitive structures that will more closely follow the intuition of the irrational desire. Intuition can make you aware of things without the need for knowledge, intuition can predict future outcomes, intuition can allow you to feel events and emotions that are not in proximity, intuition is a fundamental alternative to the pursuit of knowledge, intuitive people do not need evidence, they can sense when something is right, intuition does not require a manual, intuition lures its user into awareness, you feel the universe, the universe feels you, you can understand each other, but it is how to be aware of your intuition, how to nurture it, how not to have to learn what you intuit, that we have sacrificed to the cult of knowledge.
It may seem amazing that you can feel a criminal, that you could perceive who committed a crime without need for evidence, but the universe does not really hold secrets from itself, there are paths to everything, everything releases energy, the universe is full of its own history, a history that it never erases even when it subsumes into the nothingness. In short awareness of your environment comes from intuition which you can nurture by feeling and sensing your environment, and you feel and sense your environment by releasing yourself into it and letting it touch you. The isolation that we perceive today is granted to us by knowledge, knowledge isolates, knowledge makes its leaving by appropriation, this process isolates its users from the rest of the universe. But there is good cause why knowledge has dominated so well, it gives us certainty and certainty is not something that the universe really offers, knowledge can guarantee lots of temporary things that survive the mortality of most humans, and that is as rock solid as existence has ever gotten. So indisputably what you are witnessing with the rise of knowledge is the accumulation of certainty through isolation, which in turn dissipates fear, and allows us to feel that in a universe of unknowns, we have the power to know the unknown, and even to modify it, if we will to do so.
But the isolation afforded to us by knowledge actually makes it more difficult for us to be aware of the heart beat of the universe. If you are protected by knowledge you are protected through deprivation. Knowledge institutionalizes, institutions deprive to acquire energy that they translate to power. Now intuition requires that you acquire a sense of faith, the you believe in your environment, intuition requires that you intimately associate with the essence that surrounds you, that can be as wonderful as it can be horrible. The medium energy that touches all intuitive bodies varies in potential, varies in character and in benevolence, some of the energy places you in agony when it lures your sensitivities into many dimensions, other energies may bring ecstasy and aesthetic tears; but imagine how wonderful it is, medicinal knowledge allows you to cure the victim of an accident, but intuition allows you to prevent the accident. Knowledge can, through the use of technology, tell you where the call originates, but intuition can tell you who is calling even before the phone rings. It is intuition, an irrational, not knowledge nor logic that fuels much success. Highly successful people have not so much talent, not so much brilliance, but they have a sense of where and how and with whom they should burn their energies. Intuition knows no barriers, a mother, through intuition can sense if her child is in harms way, how it is that a mother and a child communicate through vast distances is an unknown, and further it is not a knowable, intuition refuses the controlling nature of knowledge which is why scientist dislike intuition, though they intuit everything that they discover. Through intuition you can be aware of everything that knowledge produces, you will not know it, but you will perceive it and will even be able to use the energies of the universe without the harnessing technology.