Monday, September 04, 2006


The reaction to knowledge is caused by our endemic awareness of origin, we know that we came from nothingness, we intuitively and correctly doubt that our escape from nothingness has been successful, the universe is curved, arching back into the nothingness, we can see the past, nothing more assuring for our finality that our sights are set on the past. Everything that you see in the sky is technically dead, every image out there is no longer in existence as we see it, we have only a perception of what the present real time universe might look like, and if what we see the most of is the past, and the next greatest is the recent present, and our analysis of things is all based on historic apparitions, our guidance system completely based on pure projection, projection based on the mirage we have a of things as they once existed, then I can assure you that your lack of awareness of the future is almost absolute. You can’t really perceive the future through knowledge either, because knowledge operates on things that are known and can be replicated throughout action or experience, and the future can not be anticipated by knowledge, only static things, things that do not change, things that are dynamically dead, can exist in the field of knowledge.

The future is a different monster, say the universe dies tomorrow morning, first thing in the morning, before you have your coffee, but say the future dies tomorrows, what of knowledge today can help you to deal with that possibility? Nothing. Maybe religion, religion instantly allows you to cope with the misery conspired by the end of the world. People that based their entire lives on knowledge will be caught completely off guard, and they will try to explain to themselves what is happening, but before the reach a fair conclusion they will perish surely dissatisfied. The dissatisfaction will rise from them not seeing the rise of the event, for failing to see the physical signals that should have stirred the masses of the solar system with enough signal amplitude so as to be detectable, today scientist expect the solar system to have another five billion years of life left. So any immediate death would be an irresponsible violation of physics. Why because the scientist think that they can explain all actions in the universe with quantum and relativity. So any action that could cause an instant death of our sun, say instant massive hydrogen diarrhea has not been calculated.

The religious folks however upon seeing the sun explode will immediately say that they predicted that this was going to happen, their god is fed up with all the indecencies of the earth, and has come to vanquished all evil and will rescue them but allowing them to rise into their idea of heaven. No one is better equipped to cope with the tragedy of an instant collapse of our sun than the religious folks. They are the least likely to panic, they predicted that the earth would have a thermal death, fiery fires will rage, a cold death is interestingly most unlikely even by crude scientific standards, yes they predicted that the earth would suffer terribly, now god has a mind of his own, which means that no one really knows what he will do or how he will do it, all they can do is pray, and hope to understand the nature of his ways. This sort of passivity has a calming effect, and will certainly allow them to endure the hardship of planetary death. The most important part here is that religion allows for god to come whenever, and do whatever, scientist are just now beginning to understand the benefits of whatever and whenever in quantum. But scientist still try to understand this concept based on knowledge, and the reality is the whatever and whenever does not have time for analysis. The importance for god, which by all standards could be a quantum particle, to the religions community is that he is not predictable, that he can do anything, that he can be anywhere, and that he can not be understood, all we can do is offer love to such an entity, love the least understood thing in the entire planet. But because of their love for god and because they accept unpredictability, the religions folks will not be surprised if the world blows up tomorrow before or after you have your coffee or even if it doesn’t blow up tomorrow, and they will surely not be surprised if it blows up on scientific schedule five billion years from now. Granted that they might be a bit surprised if there turns out not to be a god, and a soul, and angels or whatever religious paraphernalia they have created. But it will not much matter now will it, the fact is that god has gotten them through a difficult time with some form of sanity, and that deity has been able to comfort them with only a moment’s notice.

Religion is perhaps the closest that humanity has come to understanding the benefits of whatever and whenever, and this is important because it allows for infinite possibilities. A world of good and evil is a fairly complete model of the universe. Whatever is impossible for a god to do the devil can do, and their mutual interaction allows for infinite number of combinations. Mortality and eternal life are married nicely, terrible and wonderful events and actions are easily explained, as the will of god, as the grace of god, as the miracle of god; and the terror and the evil because of the evil perpetrated by the devil, because demon greed, demon selfishness and gluttony etc… but it is a well rounded philosophy that even allows for the religious to be scientist, and in fact science is the daughter of religion. It was the students of divinity that became scientists. They bit the apple of knowledge in a bad way. But perhaps the most fundamental flaw that religion suffers is that while it allows for the existence of witches it does not equally allow for the existence of Leprechauns, Wizards, Nymphs, Dragons, Fairies, Goblins, Gnomes, Elves, in other words the lot that could compete directly with religion unlike science which has coexisted with religion by officially staying out of the metaphysical. But the isolation from myth limits the believers, if a Wizard suddenly appeared on the earth tomorrow, well the religious folks would have a difficult time adapting to it, just as much as the scientists. For explanations, the scientist would rush to probability and the religious to the devil.

This is a fundamental problem that afflicts both the scientific and the religious, their incessant need for explanation, explanation is what reduces things from their totality into something that can be summarized as an understanding of the thing or event. The reduction actually limits understanding, it does not enhance the understanding of the event or the thing. Is a Wizard not the same energy representation for a say a god, why can’t a sorcerer be a representing energy for an equal demon? And why not assume that it is a more evolved evil energy representation? Myth seems far more complex than religion, have we not evolved enough to mix our believes with the twisted complexities of myth? In myth humans have the ability to use evil and good forces, certainly a more advanced notion of evil and good than the contemporary which makes evil and good forces inaccessible to humans. A human today commits evil because he is manipulated by evil forces and he acts good in obeisance of the good law, but neither god nor devil allow humans direct use of their energies. Is it then possible that we have not evolved sufficiently to use the energies of good and evil? Of course it is, we can use good and evil forces it is just a question of desire, we have not directed our desire to the use of those forces, we are more their victim than practitioner, but evil and good are tremendous energies that have the capacity to violate reality, so why would we not want to manipulate them? Once we were not allowed by god to eat from the three of knowledge, once we were not allowed by god to read the word of god, but every time that we have violated god, we have gathered more knowledge and power over our lives. So then we shall desire that the next religion will be the one that will offer us the recipes to manipulate evil and good forces. The next science will be the science of alchemy where we will be able to make gold out of any substance. And the biggest fear that will arise from our ability to manipulate good and evil energies or from our future ability to violate the laws of physics through alchemy and rage, perhaps that greatest danger is that with such formulae we will have to hope that their practitioner is the sage in us all and not the sorcerer.

Meanwhile the ill that afflicts the scientist and the religious is that they can not survive in an environment of such infinite probability, that is in an environment of whatever and whenever. Both have a need to quantify and clarify, their classification is opportunistic catering to the event or thing in time, and terribly deterministic, in the end absolute, and so it destroys any other probability. Remarkably what everyone has failed to see is that confusion gives access to everything, science and religion try to end confusion, murder the mystery, and by process forbidding at once access to it all. The destruction of confusion is a necessary requirement for a limited mind, a limited conscious needs to destroy possibility, so it seeks absolutist definition and ends mortifying existence with its limitations. Task yourself with accepting ambiguity and confusion, task yourself with lack of comprehension and once you accept that task you can live in the improbable, it is not easy, humanity is afraid of it all, humanity will seek to accommodate religion and science because of their offering which is certainty and salvation, and this is the offer that you ought desire to resist. But that both forces, the force of religion and the force of science understand things only from their perspective and not from the perspective of everything. It is humanity that can perceive everything, it is the consciousness of humanity that has the ability to perceive, not science and not religion nor any other dogmatic idea, and it is humanity in its quest for the all encompassing solution and the all encompassing idea that allows humanity to fall hostage to one concept above others. Ideas will attempt to become the all in one solution because they want to become everything at the cost to everything else, it is only humanity that benefits from everything, ideas are ideas and they are dogmatic by nature, the only way for an idea to reproduce itself is through humanity, and an idea is not so much interested in saving humanity as it is interested in making itself the all encompassing solution to everything, in short, like life ideas are selfish and have only their own existence as a primary objective.

Science can not explain the universe it can explain a part of the universe and that part is merely a perspective of the universe. Religion has not the ability to explain the universe, in fact religion having given birth the infinite corona, a thing that has nothing in common with us, a thing that can not relate to us, a thing that wants us to be things that are good in a zero energy condition and certainly no longer of this universe can not explain the universe nor can it talk to us or be even visible to us, therefor mostly useless, god is reached more by absent mindedness than by ritual and practice. It is important that things be simple so that we can understand them but the universe is not simple, the idea of desire that gave rise to the universe is not simple, in fact it is so damn complex we might never know the truth nor might there be a truth, the truth maybe the single biggest lie of all time. The truth might be the most believable myth, but most certainly the truth is transient and less likely to hold water than both of your hands put together.

The complete destruction of mythology in the modern world has been accomplished by the combined attack perpetrated upon myth by both religion and science. It is amazing that an angel has more credibility today than an leprechaun, it is fantastic that a demon is feared more than a voodooist or a sorcerer, it is fantastic to imagine that the modern world believes in the devil and yet can not believe in equally impossible things. But it is that very violation of possibility by cornering definition that forbids the infinity of science and religion, neither force is infinite, neither force is without mortal ill, both forces are more in love with themselves than with humanity and they will eat our energies for their sake. Forgetting that they merely rose from whatever and whenever, and that they can fall victim to whatever and whenever if we so damn please, and I please that we damn well do it soon.

The conclusion here needs to be clear and obvious, knowledge is limiting, very limiting, it is the slowest method to accomplish anything in a cosmic energy based universe. Knowledge will of course have accuracy in it as it reflects the desire for the continuation of the universe and accuracy as it reflects the locality of space time in the universe, for knowledge is pedestrian energy, used by sewer energy much like a security blanket into perdition. To escape from the nothingness and to accomplish a correction to the flawed desire universe only infinite and irrational desire can sustain us, and because we are sewer energy we are the least likely to survive, and least likely with knowledge by our side. A plea for the irrational.