Monday, September 04, 2006


We have arrived at some interesting conclusions here. First and most important that a universe comes into existence from a desire for definition. Definition is another version of nothingness, it is not so much that we will perish eventually but rather that our definition will return to it’s infinite state of indefinite definition. A simmering condition in which, invariably, the potential to exist as anything remains but is greatly subdue because of lack of tension and resistance.

The acquisition of definition, in other words the birth of a universe, takes place when a desire glorifies itself, when a desire identifies itself and explodes against the tyranny of immersion simmering within an indistinguishable nothingness. The refutation is caused by a desire for definition, a desire which pronounces itself violently into existence. It is this denouncement that forces an agglomeration of energy within the nothingness that explodes itself into existence. But such an explosion of accumulated desire is still within the nothingness, it is causing severe energy agglomerations but it’s underlying foundation is over imposed on the nothingness. This is of extreme fundamental importance because it would imply that that there is indeed a possibility for all nothingness to perish. Nothingness could cease to exist if the desire for definition becomes truly infinite then the nothingness would be supplanted by absolute desire.

Any partial success against the nothingness still makes the nothingness greater and mightier but if the desire for definition turns into an absolute then the nothings will cease to be a threat to the definition. We will not be able to observe the possibility of nothingness, the word would banish from the vocabulary, nothingness in an absolute definition can not be visualized or perceive. For evidence of this just imagine all the things that you can not imagine and which are inconceivable.

Of course to maintain definition the universe acquires the problem of energy accumulation and magnification. Desire is the most efficient producer of energy, but it is also the most impossible thing to reproduce. Anyone or anything existing and living in our universe today, including everything that has died and including everything that will be given birth from today forward, until the end of the universe, until that finite point in which our curvature will lead us back into the nothingness is the creation of the original desire, after the original desire everything, we now know, is involved in one natural process called extinction, and one very irrational process the denial of extinction.

There is something unnatural about eternal existence, and the reason why eternity is so unnatural is because eternity does not cater to definition. Nothingness is naturally infinite, simmering, zero energy concentration is eternal and even if it wasn’t’ which it is not, but even if it wasn’t the reality is that our finality could never observed the end of nothingness. And perhaps that is a good thing because since desire is born from the nothingness, even if it can supplant the nothingness the reality is that if nothingness were a perishable thing, then this would only add to our own perdition, not only would we not be able to obtain infinite definition to equal and vanquished nothingness, I say vanquished nothingness because nothingness and definition are made of the same thing, the more definition you have the less you can see of the nothingness, in a infinite definition the nothingness would disappear. This is one of the strangest things of all, that we are the same as nothingness, that we can rise from it and be so completely like it and yet so different from each other that we can not coexists and the duality of our personalities will only allows us to be one or the other but not both at the same time. Definition is the side of nothingness that nothingness hates and the opposite is true, definition will never voluntarily coexist with nothingness. This two same characters will always seek to vanquish each other, but they are indeed the same identical person. So you can see how if nothingness were finite, how that paradoxically would limit our on potential for infinite definition.

It is a daring thing to say but I will go ahead and say it, the nothingness is infinite and we will never be able to see beyond the nothingness and nothing will ever be able to destroy the nothingness. You can see the immediate benefits if making such a bold prophecy, it immediately implies that we are in a universe that it is curved and flawed, that there exist an incredible possibility for an infinite desire and an infinite definition to rise from the nothingness. More interesting it would be if such absolute definition, and absolutely linear universe, has indeed already come into being, and while it will be true that as such a marvelous universe expands into it’s infinity that it will collide with ours and destroy us all. But I assure you that such a collision would be worth it and most desirable. We would want to die in the arms of an infinite universe, more mortal and terrible it would be to be on a collision course with a mortal universe, as you must know collisions produces high concentrations of energy and energy dissipates faster at higher temperatures, which invariably implies that whatever definition energy we have left, it’s depletion would be massively accelerated by a collision, even if we are the universe that survives the collision we will still suffer a loss of energy.

Now before the dreamers, those romantic readers out there that want desire to succeed go on to dream that probability allows for the infinite universe, that is for a perfect initial condition of desired definition, to already exist let give you a reality check. The expansion rate of a perfect idea of desire, that is the big bang effect of a perfect idea of desire universe, expands at precisely infinite speed. Infinite as you might imagine infinitely exceeds the speed of light, it does so by not bothering with space/time, infinite desire exceeds both nicely, but what an infinite universe can not do is avoid the use of the nothingness, remember that any idea ultimately is another version of the nothingness, and we by being also another idea, even if a curved and flawed idea are also a part of that nothingness, so if an infinite idea universe had managed it’s infinite definition desire into existence, then, being infinitely speedy it would have already crashed into us and vanished our existence on its way to vanishing the nothingness. So sadly nothing proves the imperial superiority of nothingness and nothing proves the lack of an infinite idea of desire more, than our own flawed existence.

Of course the existence of our universe is also proof that an idea can persist against the nothingness so it is also hope for an infinite idea universe. But we don’t have to worry about that because we will be destroyed by it’s birth, what we have to worry about is our own definition, and though flawed we can help but fall in love with it and so we desire it’s continuation. Which is why we must resolve the energy problem, the entropy problem, which is why we must irrationally react against our guaranteed abolition.

And the hope rests on the illogic of our very existence. We were born from irrational roots, the reality is that energy concentrations, that the creation and agglomerations of complex organisms is not a very sustainable reality, but irrationally we have managed to maintain it for what appears to us as a considerable amount of time. As the scientist like to say billions and billions of years. But if that impresses you keep in mind that the nothingness, our same other, has existed for ever and is not counting how many billions of years it has left. It is logical that anything that suffers no conflict is not prayed upon, and itself invest no energy to altercate existence, that such a thing logically remain a stable and infinite thing. But we are born of the illogic, we are born of the irrational desire, and so this is where we begin to exist forever, and to add infinite importance to our existence.

It might be a good success story to be banished by a runaway infinite idea universe, but the reality is that we don’t care about that universe because we did not conceive ourselves in its image. The questions for us is a race into the absolute definition of existence: Is it possible for a flawed finite idea of desire universe to become an absolute infinite idea of desire? Can we evolve into the ultimate infinite desire that we should have originally desired? Can we do so with just our universe or must we gather all the other universes of desire together to accomplish a new and patched ultimate idea of desire? Is the infinite corona an energyless aberration really our only possible salvation? And if it is, can the infinite corona survive the birth of an infinite universe? For that matter can the infinite corona survive the death of the universe that gave it birth? Or can we manage to become the first infinity idea and therefor by becoming such preventing the future birth of an infinite absolute universe and for that matter preventing the birth of all and any versions of the idea of a universe?

And so the march from the initial phase of desire is a march of death, it is a march into the nothingness and the endless questions will remain with us until we return to our other self, the nothingness or until we desire only this self that we are by definition.

And that brings us to the real problem of it all. It is because we do not want to struggle, because we do not want to have to define ourselves that subconsciously we desire to return to the nothingness. In short the true cruelty of the nothingness is our own desire to be cease to exist, our own desire that does not like the struggle, that wishes more to rest in simmering condition that is what leads us back into the nothingness from which we rose. And the nothingness is greater and more so because that is the condition that is most desired and most calm and most permissive and most clear, and most void of struggle. The nothingness exist because of our lack of determination in escaping into definition. We are more the constituents of nothingness, we understand that condition more, and we understand it more because it requires not definition or understanding, because it holds no consciousness, because it does not struggle, that is where we come from, our parent, our foundation is nothingness, we are inherently more that than anything else, scream all you want that is your reality.

The logic of anything is it’s foundation. That is things make sense and are equal to, because of what they are within themselves. It would be impossible for us to invent a mathematics or a physics outside of our nature, unless of course we were irrational creatures. And just so happens that in order to formulate existence out of the most inert portion of your being you have to make the leap of faith, you have to be irrational, fundamentally crazy.

You don’t dive into the desire of existence because you know what you are doing, you big bang into definition without knowing the what it will bring, which concludes what we are today, we did not know that this universe, that these creatures, that this condition, would be the end result of our vomiting agglomeration of energy from the nothingness. We desired to escape, what defined that escape was irrational, the foundation of nothingness is logical, the more logical you become the more you are praying to become nothingness. You have to remember that you come from the nothingness, most of everything is nothingness, and as you begin to perish, as you are more and more sewer energy you produce more logic, that is you begin to make sense of the nothingness, and you are trying to understand the nothingness so as to figure out how to contradict it, because you are so close to it, and yet by studying it, by cataloging it, you are adding more to your own destruction, the cosmic is irrational, existence is irrational, you will need to rise above into the irrational to continue your existence, but logically sewer energy becomes more logical, more pedestrian, more limited, it moves less and thus with knowledge you plant your grave!

The question that we must ask ourselves is: How can the nothingness have logic and how is it that we have developed logic in our own universe and how are those two things really oppose if they are the product of nothing and nothing is infinite then logic has not been bad for the nothingness?

It is true that nothingness is a very logical thing, zero plus zero equals zero in the nothingness but while that logic makes complete sense in the nothingness, the reason that it makes sense is the important aspect of it all. Zero plus zero equals zero in the void but the nothingness does not use it, the nothingness does not add things up, it does not multiply, it does not use the logic! There is probably a good reason why the nothingness does not use the logic, the main reason is because it does not construct artificial environments, nothingness does not use energy accumulation, it’s inherent tendency is to let things simmer, logic is only usable when force is involved, when agglomerations of energy occur, logic rises to prominence, so it is that logic becomes profoundly observable in a desire expressed as a universe, there is substantial agglomeration and magnification in such an environment, the logic can even be manipulated, to express ideas. In nothingness the values always negate themselves and each other completely, so there is no magnification of logic in nothingness.

Now the magnification of logic in a desire is indeed a problem and perhaps the single largest and most significant problem arresting the universe. Just because you can discover mathematics does that mean that it is a useful tool and that you should use it. Of course not. The problem for sewer energy however, is that it is so short on life expectancy, and so young in consciousness that it does not possess enough awareness of knowledge to know what of what it learns is useful and what is not. Sewer energy instinctively gathers knowledge and accumulates it knowing not what to discard. Sewer energy adopts everything that it learns, and it does so because it is still naïve enough to be impressed by the fact that it can learn. Learning is, to sewer energy, an incredible thing. It is impressed that it can reproduce the chain of a nuclear process. It is impressed that it can predict where the planets will be two years from now, all knowable things unfortunately are not wonderful and unfortunately are not necessarily useful, and they may indeed be a waste of time, they may in fact be slowing if not outright arresting the evolution of consciousness. Logic is primordial consciousness, it rises at the root of complex things, it is useless to things that are dying and useless to things that are being born, and no one in the universe really uses it, except those that are dying and dying in their locality. High energy does not know math nor does it acknowledge it, high energy has no idea of the limitations or infinite possibilities that it experiences, it has no knowledge, and it has no knowledge because knowledge is a reductive process, it is miniscule, it is insignificant, and only assessable to the insignificant, you do math because you are limited.

At the quantum level there is no science, there is no mathematics, and there isn’t any mathematics because mathematics does not work with things that do not know their end, but local cooling, sewer energy can apply mathematics and science to processes. This does not mean that the universe obeys mathematical principles, this merely means that a ruler has been devised to measure an action, a movement, a time, a point in space, that ruler may reflect a perceived reality, and in accordance with that perceive reality it will measure accurately, but outside of that perception it is useless, and the fact that it is useful to those that designed the ruler does not automatically imply that, that is a good thing or a good measure. Remember that our universe is flawed, that it is sure to return to the nothingness, and so the mathematics that arises out of a flawed universe has to be itself, finite and incomplete.

The square root of pie is a beautiful picture of how passionately flawed the universe is. And that unanswerable infinity has a finality, because our universe is finite. You can’t count to infinity in a finite universe, so there are no infinite numbers. The infinity is a mathematical impossibility because the universe would have to use all of it’s energy for the mathematics, that is absolutely impossible. Count, and count all you want, even if you developed the ultimate super computer to do it, the energy acquisition to perform the simple addition to count to infinity would inevitably equal the finite universe and the results would collapse. Scientist can add as many damn zeros as the want but that will come to naught. That is my prophecy. The sum total of everything in a finite and flawed universe, as based on calculation, equals to nothing in the end. And the accumulation of energy to calculate the absolute volume and the absolute mathematics of a finite universe actually increase the rate at which that universe collapses back into the more calculable nothingness.

But that is the pretty picture because it does not get prettier from there, I am sorry to say this to the mathematicians, I am sorry to have to be the one to say it but even in an infinite universe, and we are supposing that there could be such a thing, and probability, the most flexible of all scientific constructs, does allow for that, but even in a infinite universe all mathematical calculations are flawed and like in our universe, only approximately correct, only almost right, and always probably wrong. Equations are funny things, they are the product of imagination and consciousness, almost energy free, and yet they calculate with little effort the movements of mass and energy. Only in an infinite universe, the physics changes, that is infinite universes can not be like ours in anyway, anything approximating an infinity violates our idea of time, our idea of space, and in fact might be so different as to not seem a universe at all. Mathematics is a proportional movement, meaning that it has to have an end, a mass and time; mathematics, like mathematicians, is finite and not usable in an infinite condition.

The point is simple, it is unadulterated desire that brings us into existence, it is a desire that superbly violates the void of nothingness, and causes a definition to occur that gives birth to space time. Awkwardly that definition of desire at least for us was not absolute, our dying energy has to overcome that flaw if it is to persist; and by adopting mundane processes that merely explain actions and events is not the solution but rather a waste of precious time. If it was a desire that brought us into being, then perhaps it is the refocusing of that desire that can maintain our existence, it is not however in our interest to persist with scientific principles for salvation because they merely explain the physics of the known! Science only tells us that which is already quantifiable, it tells us what is a given, this means that science can thrive and survive as long as the universe continues to obey it’s current physics, unfortunately for us, it is that physics which is flawed, and which has to change in order for us to survive. That is to say that knowledge is what you need to be a pedestrian and to die here, the infinite, and the fundamental change that needs to take place for infinite definition is outside of the realm of science.

Perhaps nothing may focus this point better that the recent discovery by scientist of other planets. Immediately the press released the finding as a spectacular scientific discovery, proof positive that there could be other habitable planets like earth out there, science has at last given the approval that there could be life in other planets in other solar systems. Forgive me for being arrogant but I did not need science to tell me that there could be other planets like earth, nor that there could be other life in the universe. Without their proof I have always known that there is life in other planets, and I even dare prophesy that not only is there life like ours out there but also life that is vastly different and some much better off than we are and even more intelligent if not also closer to death. Thermodynamics is a beautiful explanation of how the energy works and flows in our universe but all it tells us in the final analysis is that we are sure to perish and that our condition is not infinitely sustainable. I hate to admit it but I was aware of that before I knew science. And in the end what is science if not just another method of replicating the flawed physics of the universe. That is not what we need to accomplish here and we can not sit here waiting for science to admit to itself, to prove to itself what we already know. I have the ability to admit things without proof, it is a gift surely that we all possess.

But our idea of the irrational is made ill by our origin from nothingness. Rational will kill us, it is logical that things will perish, it is logical that the universe will die, the idea of infinity is not logical, the idea of immortality, of omnipotence is not logical, it is not logical that we could heal ourselves with our own minds without the assistance of a doctor or of medicine, to wish a wound away, to even prevent a wound from being born upon our flesh, is not a logical thing. This is why it is so difficult to rationalize the existence of god and the existence of sacred or mythical or evils forces. Sciences refuses that which it can not know and that which it can not know is far more than it can ever know. Like mathematics knowledge is an impossibility for the very same reasons, there is no enough storage in finite universe to contain the accumulation of knowledge, more relevant there is not enough sewer energy to comprehend the significance of knowledge, and the accumulation of knowledge only grows with the accumulation of sewer energy which as we will know only rises from a dying universe, knowledge is a proportional measure of the our proximity back into the nothingness. When sewer energy reaches the pedestal of knowledge, which is to say when sewer energy is the most aware of what it knows, it will surely perish, that is perhaps the most beautiful tragic terror, than when our universe blinks itself out of existence we will be wide awake. Beautiful!

But it is an ugly beautiful because knowledge is as I have said an arresting mechanism, it is a security blanket for a dying breed, there is much comfort in knowledge because with it we can reproduce the effects of nature and use them to our advantage. The reality is that anything that we can use within the constraints of our universe is not what will save us. It will take a miracle to save us, or a catastrophic evolution, give up existence and you might live forever in the infinite corona, and none of these options can come into existence through the mundane art of knowledge. The glorification of knowledge is a glorification of fear. You are dead.