Monday, September 04, 2006


Perfection is angelic in nature not because it is real but rather because it is so unreal, there is nothing that declares life its own and defines it more than the struggle. That struggle induces the suffering that is so common to existence because it recognizes its proximity to the finality of its declaration of independence to the nothingness. We acquire consciousness wen we are closest to death, we find the perfection of an angelic infinity, buried under the mask of a religious conscious that will keep us alive long after we are dead. And it will keep us alive in its consciousness that somehow embodies all of the universe; the amazing thing is that this is actually true, the universe does remember us, it is the memory that the universe retains that maintains its existence, if the universe ceases to act from a historical context, it will cease to have form, time dilation is as important to the universe as infinity is. In nothingness you can not measure anything or prove anything, but in our universe there are relationships to all things, and all things from one end of the universe to the other are somehow in touch with each other and really do understand their likeness more than the difference which is largely manufacture by the explosive distance formulated by origin.

And so all of our parts are in touch with all of our parts, and we all have in common our struggle against the nothingness, and our definition of self against the nothingness is indeed what confirms that we are together as one, that there is symmetry to our universe even if its not perfect symmetry, even if at times it falters. There you have the mechanics of our unity, if there were a real separation between us and the rest of our universe then we would be two separate universes, and we would have to endure the nothingness to reach into that other universe. But even that universe that other universe has a communion with us and a similarity with us just because it exist. In a curved universe vs. a linear geodesic universe we will find that our cause is the same, to define ourselves against the nothingness. And so even though the construct of both structures are so different that they may create very different physics within each, the reality is that outside of that physics, there will be the same consciousness with the same intention, eternal definition, an eternal idea of self. This magnificent struggle by the way ranges on throughout the nothingness, only a fool needs evidence to support the fact that there are more universes, there are probably an infinite number of them, and they are all bound to develop a consciousness in their borders with nothingness. And what if a supra consciousness were to develop that could exceed into the nothingness beyond the borders of its own physical universe? What if such an incredible thing were to happen?

The alternative for us if we are indeed collapsing back into origins? The solution is an idea, an idea may survive without any requisition of energy, our creations are ideas. Which may someday acquire a life of their own and may exist beyond our conceptualization. Now to escape nothingness we must be constantly changing personalities but all this is embodied in huge consumption’s of energy, and the simmering inevitability will invariably border this energy altercations marked as the edge of the universe.

So the larger question of perfection is can we create an idea so beautiful in structure, so absolute in definition that it will define everything, and by the process of its defining nature such a thing because it leaps as a defining definition will leap beyond the edge of our universe and pass through the nothingness unaltered because it will not be recognized by the nothingness because it will lack any and all energy values so it will not be subject to the effects nothingness forces energy to suffer.

Why imagine how great that would be, incredible, and now get this, such absolute zero energy idea could in principle be fathomed in another universe, a universe capable of exceeding itself, this of course I consciousness can exist outside of struggle and void of energy, but imagine that, such other universe exceeding itself, foaming sort of speaks at its edges would acquire the possibility of recognizing us and us the possibility of recognizing it and by doing so we would be instantly bridging the nothingness, making the nothingness even less and less because we would instantly in our recognition of each other establish something that nothingness could not acknowledge or destroy because it could not recognize it and this would permit us not only to create strange time effects, where perhaps time would not exist either, for time requires energy to recognize itself, and our crystallization of a prefect idea, embodied by nothing more than an all encompassing nature, the supreme unified theory because it would be a supra entity even extending beyond us, and extending beyond our universe, beyond the nothingness outside of our universe and extending into another universe and with it forming upon itself another entity with a greater understanding of the infinity that we could ever apprehend within ourselves.

And so there you have it because this idea exceeds the nothingness, and because it has zero calories it can not be touched or destroyed by it, it acquires what might be an almost equal existence to the nothingness, and it may continue to extend forever into the nothingness, so that it is seemingly as great as the nothingness and invisible to it and yet in all of its parts connecting us to the nothingness but under our terms, it is our idea that competes with the nothingness, that is we are infesting nothingness with more than all of our parts, that we have in common that we do not know but that we touch through this supra entity.

It may not endear you to find that this nonentity thing does not particularly like you. This entity is the child of a universe, a universe that has worked hard to escape the nothingness and to challenge the nothingness and at last we have managed to create an idea that can challenge it and dissipate it and someday equal its supreme stability which creates the horror of its indifference. At last through instinct we have created this definition, we knew we had to escape the sameness of nothingness and accidentally we realized that it is in the absence of energy where nothingness can not touch us and bring us back to itself, in the purest idea, in the most perfect and absolute definition of an amorphous consciousness that can leek even into other universes and even origination from the clamor of other universes leak into ours, and the chances are excellent that what ever supreme ideal develops at that other universe that it will fit evenly and nicely with ours because the search is similar for all universes, the cause the same, the madness and intensity of desire equal the irrational idea of beating nothingness, of beating the thing that simmers best and puts forth not effort to retaliate, the idea of beating the incessant nothingness that surrounds us, to force energy agglomerations, that is all something we have in common with other universes be they linear geodesics or linear circulars, all of them might, if there idea reaches through the void, might chain link us and chain link us until we surround the monstrous girth of the nothingness, metaphorically speaking, and surely impossible, but we do not know if we can’t, we may suspect our finality, we may suspect that we are not the ultimate infinite definition of a pure escape from nothingness, but it would be foolish and idiotic to adopt that reality, if our life is indeed ultimately tied to its own impossibility there is not point for us to speculate on it, there is just no reason why we should believe such a ridiculous thing, it would be a contradiction to our escape mentality that we can not and should not support, realize your finality and you are dead. And so get this, this supra entity that we have inadvertly given rise too, this entity that is us by design, but not us by nature, anymore than we are it, does not like us, it finds us rather disgusting!

Perhaps you might wander why it finds us and the universe of all so damn disgusting. Well I will tell you why. It is easy for you to like yourself, just like it is easy for a pig to like himself, so you may find yourself particularly lovable but that is not to say that the universe finds you particularly attractive or likeable, the universe might need you, you are after all the bottom most bottom of energy concentrations, which is to say that you are the twirling energy that is going down the drain, you are the least of everything that the universe is, and so not only does this entity that is a pure idea not like you, but the entire universe dislikes you a great deal because you are evidence, worst you are observable and the most observable evidence that the universe is suffering a severe collapse of energy that the universe is not successfully escaping the pure simmering indifference option provided by nothingness. And so not only does the universe abhors to see what you have become, but now too the most beautiful, the most perfect entity that pure energyless, needless thing that has been created out of pure idea, that hates you too. Not that that thing can hate, it really can’t but it does realize that you are not perfect, it does realize that you are full of flaws, of imperfections, all this constant changing and all this dying and all this tortuous cataclysm is unthinkable to the aesthetic, to the supreme perfection, and when it pierces by accident into it, it is repulse by it, it spasms with horror, if it could know horror which of course it doesn’t.

So there you have it that is why you are horrible to the universe and to the perfection created out of that universe. At one end the universe full of energy fresh in its violent escape from nothingness the highest concentrations of energy are youth, they don’t have any wrinkles, they are the bust out and burst out agglomerated energy from the nothingness lacking any definition but a firm resolution of definition pores forth and is as callous to the older energy to the lesser energy as is the nothingness. High energy is so impervious that it will consume destroy lower energy formations, it will absorb them, it will vanquish them it does not say excuse me, it does not want to say excuse me, and get this which I think is even funnier it is so damn ignorant that it does not even know how to say excuse me. And if the cosmic high was not enough of an enemy sibling, children of the same enemy mother nothingness brought into existence against will for she wanted to keep us inside of her, in that womb, the more inside you the more you are, but were this duo of mother and sibling enemies not enough then you have to also deal with the greater enemy at the other end of the spectrum, an enemy that is your child much as you are the child of the nothingness this child of many mothers of which you are one as a humanity and as a universe, this child of your future self is now too against you and it is against you because you did not create it in your own image, like a good parent you brought forth a child that was perfect, perfect how you would be if you had had the talent, or the energyless might or wisdom that this child now has. And so when this child oh so perfect, so lacking in wants, so needless of consumption, so untouched by the ravages of time, so wise that he does not use logic or knowledge, when this child turns the head that it does not have, so as to look back at its history this child is repulse by what he sees, all the imperfection all the lack of glory, all that mierda sickens the child and causes a rage that it can not suffer. And so this child may attempt to correct you and to make you perfect, and to try to tell you how things should and ought to be, and I am sure that all that makes sense from a perfect perspective, but from this perspective we are regardless of what perfection thinks, we are performing at maximum potential; but that child can see what we could be, where we could be and of course from our child’s subjective perspective that is good and true, but not from this one. Now you must wonder how it is that the perfection that energyless idea that we have created how it can think itself so fantastic and how can it try to force its will upon us a will that by the way can not be imposed upon us because the damn omnipotent perfection can not touch us or force us to live and or do any bloody thing. You have to remember that this thing is energyless, that it is not touch by matter in the way that we are touch by matter, our child has assumed an absolute and perfect escape so it does not have an environmental understanding of our condition, it is an idealist and we are fortunate that it is so changed from us so much more than us and so different that we can not even see this child even if as an entity it is everywhere and in everything and even within us by design. But you must have a bit of humility towards your creations so that you can survive their arrogance and so what you must remember is that from the ultimate aesthetic perspective the impracticality of anything is not understood, why humans are humans, or why the universe is finite or why there are irrevocable actions, these things are not understood in the aesthetic, there is too much harmony there, the magnification of perfection where energy is no longer the cataclysmic problem that it is for us is really unimaginable, this thing does not know but it feels that we are its progenitors and more it is aware that we are its progeny, its future. And it is because of the latter fact that it tries to guide us towards its center, towards the crux of its theme, so that we will not be errant from the path into the aesthetic perfection, so that we will not err from the true way of the aesthetic. That is why it delivers the message of purity that is of course flawed and deadly wrong in every way, and so much flawed that if we were to follow it as truth in this our habitat which is not and repeat which is not a heaven by any means for we do not control everything and we are subject to numerous irregularities so much so that to follow the way of the truth makes absolutely no since at all and in fact to follow the way of the truth, of the aesthetic perfection would be detrimental to our well being here on earth. And so what happens is that we are at a severe conflict with our being and with the future of our being which talks back to us with the insensitive arrogance of a college student. And the reason why the aesthetic zero energy infinity talks back to us with such commanding arrogance is because the stupid thing does not know a very interesting fact, a supremely interesting fact, a fact so fantastic and so personifying magnificence that I should want to dwell on it longer, though I will not for it is so delicious that you will be able to bathe in its perplexing grandeur; and this wonderful fact is that we were born before the infinity that we gave rise to, that the infinity that comes back to tell us how to be infinite does not know this fact is our single greatest creation, and more it is a sign of our infinite greatness. But get this that infinite entity that we gave rise to, having in itself no conceptualization for time, that infinite entity does not know that its infinity was borne out of a hemorrhaging mortality, in fact the stupid thing, having no access to knowledge because it is so damn wise can not conceive its own beginning, having now infinity at is disposal it has no clue that once it was not, and so it erroneously considers itself the creator of everything. This aesthetic entity assumes that because it has no end that it had no beginning, which is dead wrong but it concludes this because an infinity sees everything inside of itself so the idea that it is not everything is inconceivable to an infinite entity. A huge misconception if there was ever one but one that we must accept because this infinity that we gave rise too is more shall we say powerful because it is our future that guides us towards it; there is a funny thing about all this nice tragedy of posterity’s insensibility’s you see because the future is our creation. If there is an infinite future somewhere within the grasp of this awareness it is our creation, our creation indeed, and it us as mortals, we as cosmic finite creatures that have created and manufacture that infinity. And not only did we create that ultimate thing but we alone reserve the right to kill its infinity if we see fit. Save the horror if we want, if we can persist as ourselves in the cosmic it may well be in our interest to kill the inherent greatness of the aesthetic, we may not have a need for immortality, we may want it dead, we may fall so in love with tour current despicable situation that we may choose to sustain it, and if we do then we will arrest the future, hold it back, we may give birth to the future perfection as willingly as we have hitherto. In fact the more we know, the more we learn, the less we will want to give birth to such an aesthetic marvel. Knowledge defies the ideal, knowledge is a pedestrian creation, it is also our child and we may opt for this child more than for the supreme aesthetic that calls for a zero energy infinity. And the humorous thing, sorry for all the dwelling but I just love this part of it all, is that we can mortals can kill this infinity, and you know what as ignorant as the infinite entity is, it intuitively understand this and it understands this so profoundly that it clamors with all might for our devotion. But remember the damn thing can not really touch us, it is at our merci, we are its ichor and so if nothingness kills us it may kill it too, and if we decide to opt for an absolute material energy objective that too may kill its impervious infinity, and fear not such an entity for though mightier than thou, it can not read this, to read this you have to have knowledge and so it may not perceive that we may choose to destroy it. But if you are one of those pacifist that is not into inflicting pain upon the omnipotent infinity entity it may comfort you that an infinity is not capable of feeling its finality, it can not see the end, it can not conceptualize the end or its end; and before you think to yourself that such an infinity entity is an idiot, bear in mind that it is an inherent problem for it that it does not know because it can not know that it does not know something, to know everything you have to be close minded, and all infinities including the infinity of nothingness, are close minded, they think that everything is inside of them, and so when the end comes for an infinity the damn thing never has time to feel sorry for itself, it dies shall we say instantaneously. And it dies instantaneously because infinities, when it comes to the subject of existence are black and white about it.

so that that which is designed in an environment of perfection does not function well or at all here, it will only make things worse. Try to fix the ghetto with the understandings of high society and you are sure to fail.

But before you begin to glorify in the indecency suffered by the infinite entity and think yourself so vastly superior to it remember that you are not yet an infinity and more remember that by being a member of the constituency of energy you are at the edge of the energy curve and so as close to the impossible as possible without being there. You have the ability to create infinities and imaginary entities which may indeed make or destroy your being, this is a fantastic accomplishment uniquely inherent at the lower level of energy manifestations. So you are the border crossing between three entities, nothingness that quietly but persistently wants you to return to it, cease the struggle and you default back into the nothingness and you since you are dangerously close to it because of your low energy count it will not take long before you banish into perdition, that is border number one which by your existence you deny. Two is the infinite entity whose energyless infinity is a manifestation borne out of your fear and proximity to your mortality. This entity is endlessly calling for mandatory perfection and your much wanted willingness to immerse yourself in its zero energy absolute adoration constituency. And three is the more you now border the more physical being you border, the one that even as incomprehensible is most provable border and that is the energy self that you are that shares much with all of the energy out there in the cosmic, with the sun who is your Siamese twin, with the bordering solar systems, with the black holes and the neutron stars, with the novas, you are more a part of this cosmic energy universe than of anything else and it is here where you can define your existence most, it is here that you can begin to understand yourself. But, and I am sorry that I have to have a but here, but your finality, your proximity to that absolute zero awakens your consciousness and gives this give rise to complexities of character that lose you as much as give you a sense of place. And they lose you because since you are the closest thing to a failure of the cosmic escape you are also the one with the most need for a solution, and so the entire universe depends on you solving this problem, the problem of a cosmic finality reached at absolute zero. The entire universe escaped from nothingness through temperate at the highest levels energy can not imagine a cold death and so it rushes to inhabit everything not understanding that attempting to inhabit the cold is not an extending process; the dilemma is that energy agglomeration is what gives birth to our universe and this is a condition of concentration and containment, but since the nothingness is infinite simmering in a patterns that it inhabits in a perfect balance, then the universe must develop, in order to continue its existence, a method of acquiring energy for expansion and to reverse entropy, the universe must expand, and expand at all cost, against the nothingness and to do this the universe must increase the chaos, it must increase the cataclysm, it must organize and reach higher and higher concentrations of energy and it must explode and explode boring and borroing so as to mine and mine more and more of the nothingness, and so as to overcome it sufficiently to resist its fatal sedentary attraction. And so that cosmic dictates to us, it tells us that we must learn how to reverse entropy, how to acquire more and more energy and it tells us this by telling us that if we continue to persist on losing energy we will end back into the nothingness. And so there you have it everyone needs us, and everyone wants to tear us apart, the cosmic places us in a direct contradiction to a zero energy condition, the laziness of nothingness looks more and more appealing to a tiring consciousness. But for us this is all a reduction process and so it is that the universe gives rise to a life form that can begin to play with its parts, “Y” bordered body pivoting by pure coincidence because we are at the edge of pure existence, the infinity entity maybe a part of us but we are at its edge, we certainly come from nothingness and we are at the at the gates for a return, and way out in the high energy of the cosmic we do not exist, high energy cruses through the universe with a cruel indifference towards its future self, we, we are its future self, senior energy.

In the above diagram you are able to see how life ”Y’s” on the existence or not of things. It is imperative to note here that we are more than anything in the universe, and most interesting is that we are probably as close to the metaphysical as we are to the nothingness, this is interesting because while the nothingness sort of gave us an involuntary birth, we in accordance with the universe created the metaphysical, and we created it with the intent of really escaping the nothingness, and in order to really accomplish that we really had to make it a rather impossible thing, even for us to obtain. But if we do obtain this ideal we are that much farther away from the nothingness. Of course understanding the prerequisites of the idea of an infinity created by material desires as a refuge against absolute zero is a difficult task, that idea evolves on its own and creates conditions that satisfy it more than satisfy us, its independence from us is what allows it to go beyond and be more than we can be, so much so that it does not have to follow the laws of physics as we know them here but that also has the unpleasant side effect that it dictates policy to us based on its perceived perfection and that policy will have very little to do with matters of this world. This is precisely why we deceive ourselves into believing that we are ethically acting in the best interest of our future idealistic entity. At the opposing end of that spectrum the cosmic, and get this both entities hate each other, supreme beings have zero energy because they were created by sewer energy, you work with what you have and we could not surrender any and survive, but the cosmic is absolute energy so both entities depend on us for their futures, at the opposite end we have to assure the cosmic that we will persist in the material, that we continue to work on the project of energy accumulation so as to retain, manage and increase cosmic physics. This means that we have to acquire knowledge that we have to care about this life, that is we have to sin.

If we can not resolve the entropy problem the universe as we know it will eventually panic and become like us on its way back to the nothingness or to the metaphysical, and you must notice now that the zero energy entity, the absolute spiritual perfection suffering absolute zero knowledge in all its wisdom wants us to follow the zero energy path, it wants us to become less and less energy, and this because we made it with the assumption that, that would be our only way out of the nothingness, so as soon as a universe is born and its energy meets the cold it begins its descent into the consciousness, which somehow creates the metaphysical unfortunately to solve the metaphysical question is to evolve the universe into something that it isn’t, something that we do not know or recognize, something that while us in some way is not really us and that something will want to sequester us, will want our desire, will want us to abstain from a material recovery; any material victory is a loss for the ultimate entity, and that ultimate entity is also trying to snatch us from the nothingness which is for those of us that are on our way to perdition not a bad thing, but that compromise is a complete metamorphoses, we will not necessarily know ourselves within such an entity. And perhaps then as a part of that consciousness when we stumble into matter will recognize it and wish to interfere and to touch it and to play with it, like an adult going back into childhood memories which are happiest because of their innocence.

-Forward wave overlap
-Singular direction for time
-Concentrated from the nothingness within dimensional space, there is no such thing as dimensional space

but what you can not imagine, what you are most disillusioned ABOUT:

We can not communicate, we can not cross onto one another, and when we are there we do not recognize this self, only a glimpse of it…

Of course such magnificent perfection is one of those things that is really hard to believe in, and for us sewer energy mortals, and even for our grandiose universe the conception of this aesthetically perfect idea, of this so much not us thing because in order to survive it has to give rise to something that unlike us does not suffer any concentration of energy, and more phenomenal something that is not repulsed by the nothingness that very nothingness that repulses us so much that it gives us cause to rebel against it, yes for us the conception of an immortality that only we make possible becomes a very inconceivable phenomenon. Our perception can not make sense of the infinity that we can create because it is so abstract in nature, that it is really not us and not us in any known respect. And here is the wander of it, here indeed is the terrific and fantastic and marvelous clue that leads us to believe in this fantastic entity that is not us, is not like our origin, and is not like the thing that consumes us at the end.

Ever sense we rose from the nothingness, we rose from it as a high concentration of energy, we fought against the normalcy brought to us by absolute simmering which is in the end the homogeneity that produces the indiscernible nothingness. As accumulations of energy we had to rob the nothingness of huge amounts of energy and to accumulate energy from nothingness you really have to gather a lot of space which we did, and with such force that it reached a blazing speed potential and peaked immediately, in order to avoid the immediate collapse back into the nothingness we keep on changing so that the nothingness does not recognize us as pure energy, or so it does not figure us out as quickly as it could if we remained in a non volatile condition, in a non volatile condition simmering maximizes its settling effect, the sedentary life is defiantly your enemy, to avoid nothingness you must avoid definition and this is why you keep on changing yourself, as a particle or as a human being, remain as you are do not move and you will accelerate the recognition of the impossibility of your existence.

So we keep at it ferociously disguising ourselves as this or that thing ever trying to last a little longer, and of course each action uses up more of our original energy so the next entity that we have to adopt knows how to exist with less energy, and less energy, every evolution produces a lower energy state, this is because of the one way nature of time, we can not reverse our energy condition and to go back in time we would have to basically use up more energy and it would not change our continuos aging process, you can slow down aging through greater energy but you can not reverse it, because in our universe time has a singular direction, oh it maybe possible to violate this, but how requires some strange laws to be passed.

So you can go backwards in time but time can not go back on itself, and the value of time in its immensity can not translated or compressed into the reality of the entity that lives within time, this because of the grandeur of time. So imagine that in a comparative size study you would have infinity/nothingness and then right above them, and within them time, logically time appearing in width as a parallel to the nothingness. but this condition is itself linear to you, in the sense that to travel back in time you have to first be borne so as to go back, further time has bandwidth and dimensions which is to say that when you go back in time you are still technically whom you were when you left the future that you are arriving for, there may indeed be a change to future times but the changes brought by your inquisitive nature would take place in another area of the bandwidth of time. The reason why this works so well is because time is indeed linear, an even that transpire has indeed transpired, there in no messing around with it, that moments exist so all of those paradoxes that loop the son back into the past to kill the father before the son is born are fundamentally possible, a son going back to kill his father can and does kill his father and that repeats itself over and over again and he can still move forward back into his future and continue to live his life same as he was before he slaughtered his father. What changes is not so much his time as someone else’s time and in that time he is never borne, a person going back into the past can change the past for others but not for himself, a person can not skip from within their bandwidth of linearity, the son can go into his future to face murder charges, but this does not mean that he ceases to exist everything applies that world does not loop back, the only thing that it is, is that he is not borne in another dimension of time. Why does this violation occur, because of action at a distance, if a condition violates a local linearity it is forced into another dimension. The kid kills his father and he is now the son of a dead man, and in another dimension a man never has a son before he is murdered, the connection would not be apparent to anyone but an independent observer. But there is one thing that really avoids this sort of universal violation and that is the will to live, exist and propagate. Life does not want to kill itself, and to kill a version of yourself, in this or any other universe is still a violation of a personal law, that it is not in our interest to commit suicide directly or indirectly. someone that is no longer to live out his life. Further the nature you can not go back in time unless you have first been borne before

But as you can see your evolution invariably lead to lower energy states, you keep on changing your disguise and changing your disguise but time continues to deliver you into the nothingness from which you once raged so hot. But and I just love a but, but what if you lower and lower your energy consumption and reach an absolute value where you no longer need energy? Where because not so much as equaling time you have ceased to exist in time? We do not know if this non-conditional zero energy entity is possible but if it is it would certainly be the oldest entity in the universe, and it would certainly be more likely to exist at the borders of the universe beyond the borders of humanity even. Such a non energy condition would have evolved the ultimate and most unrecognizable disguise and it would be so pure that it would not only have an incredible difficulty communicating with any energy condition it would not be possible for it to directly communicate with it. Sure it would be an idea, and sure it would have a historical track to us, but it would never be able to return to us, any return of such an entity to us would be destructive for such an entity. And so while such an entity might wish to go back into the evolving energy nature of things, so as to communicate the manning of its essence we would find it so alien and so inexplicable and so impossible that we would kill it or it would have to kill us. But and here is the fortunate part for us, we can not have a direct effect on an energyless entity, this because we are still, like it or not, like nothingness, interpreted more by our energy, and so we can not touch a non energy condition, it is much easier for us to cease existence and return to the nothingness than it is for us apprehend the idea that our future has created.

An zero energy entity of course has its origins in an initial energy condition, so while it can exist in any condition because it is invisible to all other conditions so they can not react against it, it still has to steal the energy from the nothingness through the universe so that it can maintain its infinity. By that I mean that a zero energy condition thought it can not communicate with us does exist because of us, and so it will want to maintain us so that we can conceptualize its idea, and it is our future conceptualization of that idea that will outlive all things. So you can see how this zero energy entity needs to keep us alive so that we can continue to evolve into it, and so it must be indirectly hurt if we implode upon ourselves before we evolve into that idea of consciousness; so when we kill one another or ourselves we are actually preventing the linear evolution of that energy into a zero state. Of course the consciousness idea that exist in the zero energy state does not have the ability to change this nor does it suffer because of it, the idea is always complete and absolute, it does not have the ability to suffer much less the ability to love, it merely has obtain a condition of non struggle perfection at an absolute opposite end of nothingness.

And here is the gorgeous of it, because it is not struggling, it is in the end perfect, and because it is perfect it does not suffer and so it is an affirmation of an infirmity created by a pure absolute escape from nothingness, it can never return to nothingness, it can never reassociate itself with energy, it has become the ultimate of what it is, and as such as big as the biggest thing anywhere, everything would be inside of it, and yet it could not be touch by it.

And it is the ability to see and sense this vision of incredible delight that brings about the euphoria that we see in the artist. Art is not born of pain it is born of ecstasy, it is the vision that the artist has, the sensibility that allows the artist to see the ecstasy of perfection which creates art as we know it. It is a glimpse into our future perfection. But if you are sensitive enough to see this far forward into the immensity your sensitivity will cause you more to also feel real life and it is this that induces the suffering that the artist so much feel and confuse as that which brings them the creative fire. But they are wrong, suffering does not induce the aesthetic, this aesthetic is an absolute end, it is not a creative force, it is something that we see as it is, and not something that is created by us, creative forces are tortuous in nature, but the aesthetic is a pure harmony and not in touch with the repulsion’s or anguished movements of creation.

So nothing is more proof that a totalitarian nothingness exist and that a maximum infinity exist than our very existence. We as mortals and our universe with its incessant finalities are the end result of the finality of nothingness. And so it is our demonstrative energy that fills the void and in the end registers the fullness and vastness and immensity and potential simmering in infinite nothingness. Emptiness and Infinity are the macro constituents of finality and consciousness. The desert of nothingness has energy accumulations the universe is an oasis in the totality of a death valley.