Simmering: Quality of a law that induces all things to merge with each other. All environments that are disproportional within themselves or with their exterior will simmer, that is they will reach a condition of stability, homogeneousness with their environment, that is in time becoming indistinguishable from it. The principle that guides this is that all things must coexist because the universe ultimately does not want to destroy anything within itself.
Nothingness: A place that has an absolutely simmered geometry where all of its parts are equal, it has no sharpness at any level, no edges, not even an arc; that is it is void of Euclidean geometry, its symmetry is merely guided by its willingness to remain a constant amorphous nothing, willing to extinguish itself with a cruel indifference towards any energy agglomerations. Because it is formless, and it has no contractions or pressures it does not have the ability to be distinguished, it is everywhere but at once invisible due to its uniformity of self. And since there are no energy agglomerations it lacks consciousness, awareness of self, except for the occasional outburst of an escaping universe which rises defiantly from the nothingness. Nothingness is the same as infinity, that is as long as time, which is to say that it has no way to measure itself against time, and it is infinite in this strange manner because it allows time to flow in any and all directions. Nothingness: Something that doesn’t quite manage to exist and therefore doesn’t exist. Ultimately eternally existing as an absolute denial of definition.
Universe: An agglomeration of consciousness that attempts to escape the horror of nothingness. Its objective is to accomplish an absolute escape velocity from nothingness into definition, into particulars that it declares in a geometry that is at odds within itself and at odds with the nothingness.
Awareness: A movement of self that is not provable but that we know takes place because once an entity, thing or universe is aware it defines its awareness, consciously or not, by its persistence as expressed by its form, character or dynamic. Awareness can encompass and entwine all at many levels, but awareness is not needlessly incorporated, awareness understand limitations, you don’t experience your soul before you die. Further true awareness is historical by character, when an entity is completely aware of itself it is no longer the self that it is completely aware of.
Desire: “The” supra force that is able to operate in any of three, though not limited to those, possible realities; metaphysical, cosmic and nothingness. It is the force that gathers and brings things into being, it is the force that without justification, cause, and reason, finds itself inexplicably gathering and mustering entities like universes and beings into existence.
Irrational: The elemental force foundation of being or existence as created by desire. The core value generator, the master denier of impossibility, the foundation of all logic, the giver of all possibility. The unfortunate mother of reason, of logic, of all things that add up. All being entities are born because of irrational principles and evolve to develop rational principles, the rational is a subtract of the irrational used to cope with the fearful ignorance and uncertainty of existence.
Rational: The most insecure concept in the universe born strictly of emotional fear. Rational is how a creature attempts desperately to create patterns so that it can control the universe that its fears tell it, it can not control. All things manifest themselves because of irrational conditions, nothing can truly justify the existence of anything, so all things are irrational by birth, and evolve rational behavior from emotional fear. As a species progresses it evolves back into an acceptance of the irrational, back into an acceptance of the incomprehensibility of being. Rational is then a temporary condition that is discarded by the acceptance of uncertainty.
Metaphysics: A supra infinite entity that is composed of zero energy and is able to survive outside of time and space, though within time and space, yet without suffering the physical effects of such entities. Souls theoretically travel in this medium but there are no disparate entities within the metaphysical, one of its parts is all of its parts, one point is all points, any entity that enters the metaphysical becomes instantly all of the metaphysical, further any entity with the might to alter the character of the metaphysical will instantly change all of its parts.
Economics: The principle for energy transfers and transfusions within the corporeal reality that inhabits the lower energy regions of the universe. A method of rules for exchanging the energy of physics inhabited in low energy bodies. A method for the agglomeration of such energy to enhance and extend individual energy for present or future expenditure.
Science: An entity that justifies its existence by denying belief in anything that can not be empirically proven by one of its white coat priests. Science makes its living by discovering that which already exists. It is blinded by empirical logic; for instance: “Is there life in other planets?” This is purely a scientific question, everyone else already knows that there is life in other planets, but we are held hostage from belief until science gets its telescopic eye on it. In the end science only serves to prove that our intuition is correct most of the time.
Religion: An entity that irresponsibly attempts to convince humanity that it should base its behavior, here on earth, on a future life in another dimension. Religion is the only entity that can be credited with making something out of nothing so as to survive. The fact that its faith can never be proven is its greatest and most infinite asset. Its superlative arrogance is manifested in its lovingly humble preaching that it is the “only” way to salvation. No other entity has ever made so much money with the unknown and owed so much to death. More is unknown, religion harvests the bountiful unknown. More important god and or any metaphysical existence inhabit a region that is not detectable or known from a mortal perspective. God reaches infinity and is impervious by not being detectable in the universe or in the nothingness. The only way to obtain true religion is to stumble into it. Life here on earth has nothing to do with goings on heaven and it can learn nothing from it. That is not to say that it would not be nice to go to heaven, it would be great, but it is not a trip that you can plan for.
Evolution: An philosophy that believes that because things look alike they share a common ancestry. Further, it believes that our environment and necessity are the creators of all modifications that take place within a species. It favors rational principles for all motives and physical attributes. The idea that a desire might be more the reason for a particular feature is not acceptable. The idea that we might just spontaneously happen into existence and not evolve is not acceptable, the idea that our ancestors might have been better adapted to live in this world than we are, unimaginable. The idea that we are not evolving but dissolving, which is indeed what is happening, impossible.
Government: A sub branch of economics that is designed to impose what is good for economics, and impose economics upon all peoples.
Aesthetic: The supreme feeling of escape from any form of existence even if it is an existence that is desirable, which all are. The aesthetic requires extreme sensitivity, an artist for instance is merely a sensor of the aesthetic and suffers on earth because the ability to feel, a distant painless aesthetic, induces a greater ability to also feel the harsh terrestrial environment which normally mandates less sensitivity. For clarification, pain does not produce art but extreme sensibility allows the perception art and further increases the perception of pain, pain which does not enhance but rather alienates art.
Reality: Reality is a pragmatist dream come true.
Truth: Something that does not change, that is the same from any angle, that will always be and has always been, in short the truth only exists as a possibility. This gives it much in common with the nothingness.
Death: We were all born at the same time as our universe and we will all perish at the same time as our universe. As individuals we are born from the universe, as a universe we are born from the nothingness. We all die at the cosmic level, at the individual level there is no mortality that does not equal the mortality of the universe.
Sewer Energy: You.