Monday, September 04, 2006


Self interest rises out of a desire and then it marries itself to an environment that can believe in the entity’s desire, extremes are not tolerated for long, and so we can conclude that reality is a pragmatist dream come true. Max out at all times reality is a compromise of all desires and ideas, as such, reality can only be a disappointment to those souls that dare to explore their pure essence of desire. The exploration of the desire essence of self will not bring unification but division. Unity is merely the result of the main driving force of humanity. Even such factors as the acquisition of wealth or the moderation appropriated by democracy are merely results. They are not the fundamental cause of anything. The real cause of the old new impetus to unifying principles and consolidating personalities is FEAR.

Fear is the cause that motivates the stabilizing process that humanity is warring to accomplish. Humanity is really trying to come together so as to avoid extinction; but humanity is getting together more so as to avoid, and perhaps overcome, its fear. We are motivated to be born when our energy level is approaching zero. Humanity is cooling down, it is one of the lowest constituents of energy. It is while approaching zero that humanity decides to be born so as to save, through consciousness, what it can not save through the accumulation of energy. Consciousness is very energy efficient, some would also like to think that consciousness can be everywhere and everything, and that it may possess zero energy so even at absolute high energy or absolute zero energy consciousness remains unchanged and aware. The dying can certainly rest easier and quench their fears by drafting to attention some cosmic consciousness. But what you must keep in mind is that we live in a universe where energy is everything, and in that very universe matter, and in matter I mean particularly humanity, is one of the lowest energy counts in the universe. So salvation from our fearful perishing energy gives rise to our low calorie consciousness, and it would not be unthinkable to imagine that by the time consciousness is acquired it is probably too late.

After we manage to escape into consciousness we are born and arrive at a very interesting junction, where we have to eat so as to maintain or acquire energy. No longer a complete energy particle, our existence reaches its slowest speeds and we begin to understand that time is running out the clock. We immediately start hunting and gathering so as to maintain energy infusion. This is the single most intensive task in the universe, especially for a unit of energy that is on the verge of death. Life is absolutely the closest thing to death in the universe! Consciousness is the gasping sound made by a dying energy. As evidence most life in the universe will be found near the coldest environments, you would not go to the centers of supernovas to find life, life only forms in the boundary where energy is closest to the vacuum, to perdition, life is the border line between an energy abundant universe and cold death nothingness.

Once we become hunter gatherers, a melancholic condition if there was ever one, we begin to awaken with the consciousness that we have escaped an energy death, and that we have morphed into some inexplicable carbon based form that sustains itself through a strange process of cell agglomeration, which allows us to dynamically reorganize energy and thus reverse its flow; contradicting the second law of thermodynamics, which we used to like when we were plenty hot, but now that we are cold, that cold becomes the guiding principle of what we have to reverse at all costs. Hot energy flows towards the cold. That is to say all energy will eventually die. We are born into life because we have the most to lose from this law, high energy particles could care less about our condition, nor do they know that we exist. If you were to tell a high energy particle the second law of thermodynamics that high energy particle would laugh with disbelief. A high energy particle has a good reason not to believe in such things because it is technically infinite, and in some strange way everything and everywhere. The idea that energy can reach absolute zero, so absolutely zero that it is even below zero, somewhere at minus 273 Celsius, is inconceivable to a neutrino. Like trying to tell a rich individual that the system does not work, inconceivable.

So once we become hunter gatherers, crawling sewer energy , our imperative becomes that of energy accumulation. It is here where we have to come to grips with a reality that is so contra energy, so against our essence that it is difficult for us to accept and grasp it; even as we need to grasp it to survive, even as our very existence needs it so as to maintain itself, even for a mere pica second. Order! Organization. When you are no longer abundant energy you have to grasp the concept of collaboration and collaboration can only be contrived through structure. High energy lives its entire life in chaos, high energy is not very predictable, it is virtually untouchable, it is uncertain which is why the uncertainty principle is one of the best ways to understand high energy. Oh but we however, now nearing our energy death can only reverse the second law of thermodynamics by accruing organization, by ordering the structures of the universe, by destroying chaos.

It is perhaps the single most difficult factor that life must confront, of having not to be itself so as to rescue itself. No longer free flowing wild chaotic infinite energy, our low energy forces us to realize that to reverse energy flow we will have to contradict our chaotic nature and become organized. Of course the futility of law and order has already been well defined in the theory of entropy; entropy is sort of a high minded way of saying that we are wasting away only more so, and to reverse the collapse of energy is of course the fundamental question to the survival of the humanity. And this is even a larger question that affects more than just humanity; if entropy can not be reversed the universe and even all those indifferent neutrinos will perish. There is entropy and its contrary ideas, the energy required to maintain a human being is in the end producing a greater amount of disorder in the universe. What you do to maintain your existence creates more chaos, actually you are advancing entropy, your existence is only proving and guaranteeing the futility of your existence.

So if by creating order you are creating more disorder which is to say you are better at creating what is not you, and the you that you do create is merely a way for the fabrication of chaos to reproduce its most basic constituent, you, somewhere in the universe there has got to be some brain wondering where all the chaos comes from, and perhaps with a super-super electron tunneling microscope, they get to view this very strange and infinitely small creature that actually produces vast amounts of disorder vs. the amount of order that they comprise. The most efficient disorganizer in the universe is, should and ought to be life. Life is probably able to create, at minimum, seven times the level of disorder per one ordered human. Now remember that this thing that is creating all this disorder, all this universe that is in stark contrast to its organized cellular structures, which keeps itself alive by forcing an energy mop that amounts to a single human being, this very thing is really destroying the universe.

Environmentalist may fight all they want but the reality is that the only pure environmentalist is one that does not exist. It is the very nature of existence to destroy and consume environments, only through this process can life be sustained or expanded. Environmentalists are anti-life and, they should not have children; they are unaware that energy conservation is the death of humanity. What life must figure out is how to create more and more energy so that it can consume more and more energy. The development of the atomic and thermo nuclear bomb, is an elegant demonstration of our ability to acquire energy. That, that acquisition of energy has destroyed life upon its immediate appearance into our existence is because we are so afraid of death that we are even afraid of each other. We do not know who or what it is that we can trust. In short, life lives in fear of itself, but there is nothing more idiotic than the process of killing other sewer crawling energy units, which are in the end the only assistance that we have against the advancing nothingness. Environmentalists are not with us because they want to protect the environment, but they are with us to warn us that we need to maintain a habitable enough environment so as to continue to reproduce ourselves. Environmentalists are trying to save humanity from its rapid pace energy absorption but what environmentalist fail to realize is that life does not have the time to consider low energy solutions; consumption, more and more consumption, is the only way for low energy to maintain energy. Humanity needs exponential growth, and even at these levels humanity is the least expanding thing in the universe, and this is because of its limiting ordered nature. Now, proceed enough from this incredible juncture and you find that the true objective of life is in the end to contradict the universe.

And what does it mean to contradict a universe that is all energy? It means to be able to exist in a zero energy condition. You see, life is not acquiring energy to acquire energy, the “out there” is massive energy, but life no longer has that option, life has to manipulate energy creation so as to become more of itself but life does this by creating chaos and subtracting energy from other sources. This is not surprising since life, sewer energy, is the closest energy value to nothingness, which means that life, by making more of itself, is reducing energy concentrations, it is evening energy flows, it is in fact the enemy of the cosmic, because by expanding life, by increasing its abundance, what life is saying is not only that whatever boils must cool, that in the future all things will simmer. Energy settles, and if life continues to propagate its increase will be proportional to the cooling of the universe. Nothing, absolutely nothing measures the cooling down of the universe better than life. The fact that there appear to be so few life forms in the universe, the fact that life does not appear to crowd the universe, may in fact indicate that the universe is young, and, like all young things, hot. But the propagation of life is the inverse exhuming value of the cosmic universe.

When energy is subtracted and subtracted, which by the way does not need to be done because all things naturally lose energy, but when energy is subtracted, that is, when things stop being chaotic, when they stop dancing like salsa queens move their asses, when things cool down, which means that they stop moving, hot things move, the hotter a thing is the more it moves, and the hotter a thing is the less it cares what is near it; the sun is hot, the sun is moving, the sun is chaotic, it is mad, it is crazy, and the sun lacks consciousness, if it were to swallow the earth it would not notice it, nor could it care, because when you are that hot, you melt anything that comes near you, which is to say your ability to assimilate your environment, your environmental influence is phenomenal; but the colder you get, the less that you affect those around you and the less that you matter to them; people want to be in hot environments because the nature of things is that the hotter you are the better off you are; but as things cool, as they lose their heat, they start caring more, and they care more because they need the energy of those around them in order to amount to anything! In a universe infested by energy nothing means that you are less, more than a low energy count. So when energy is subtracted things stop bumping into each other, they cease attacking each other, that is right, they cease to be so indifferent to one another; low energy states begin to acquire knowledge of externals, of things outside of themselves, this development of consciousness means that the most peaceful thing in the universe, the least warring thing in the universe is a human being. Being the lowest possible state of energy, before reaching nothingness, life is by far the least intrusive, the most isolated, the least likely to violate another energy state. Life, however, wants to violate another energy state, because life has a consciousness acquired from a settling, but this consciousness has a cosmic history. A history that tells it that once it was everything, a history that tells it that once it was everywhere and infinite and limitless. Of course energy is only limitless and infinite at the highest quantum levels; and, since everything is following the second law of thermodynamics, the reality is that even for particles suffering the highest states of energy infinity is temporary. Humanity, having once been in a high energy state, can at least comfort itself with the reality that it was indeed at one time infinite, everything and everywhere. But as things cool they acquire separation, they solidify into separate entities, and separate entities lose velocity, acquire time, age and die a cold death! All things that are immortal will perish.

The problem is all cooling down, cooling down leads to isolation, isolation leads to more cooling down; the less close you are to another thing, the more you get cold, the less friction, the less in touch you are; in order to touch everything you have to really confine yourself and this requires energy concentration. The way that high energy particles manage to contract space is through concentration; they amass themselves, that is a lot of pressure that squeezes energy particles making it seem like they are always blasting through space, and when you are under severe pressure you can be touching everything that is compressing you, and it takes a lot of compression to maintain high energy which is to say that everything is right up against you; and when everything is right up against you, it is hard to escape, and it is very difficult to tell which part is you and which part is not you; high energy states do not have distinguishable entities; high energy particles can not tell each other apart, which is precisely why they can appear in completely different points of space simultaneously.

Cooling entities however are isolated, separated and the more they cool the more they separate. When a lover is not hot for you they with become cold towards you; it requires energy to stay close to another entity, there is a lot of friction that keeps a relationship together, two lovers are closer to each other the more and more that they rub against one another; but if a lover falls out of that fusing condition we call love, they will get cold and when they get cold they will begin to alienate the other, and if so then the relationship will suffer the law that states that cooling down separates entities. All relationships are, by entropy’s harsh standards, temporary. Nothing is colder and more distant than a dead person. Suffering extreme isolation is how far apart humanity is from high energy, that hot and happening cosmic universe that makes us individuals arrested in a cold region and perishing in time faster than the speed of light. Lack of unity, isolation, is the real thing that afflicts humanity, no longer high energy and on its way to perdition. At any given point more of humanity is dying, life, in order to exist, vanquishes more of itself, at any given time more of life is buried underneath the ground than lives above it. Life energy steps on itself to cruise on the surface and borders of nothingness.

As we acquire more unification however we are in fact making more divine energy, but we are reducing real energy; distributing energy more evenly, this because we exist on the margin of energy manifestations, and anyway we can not exist in places where there are high energy concentrations. Life is moderate by commandment, by the nature of its existence, and so we, as the edge of the cosmic rage compromise with nothingness as much as we compromise with energy. The closer that an entity gets to zero the more and more that it solidifies and the more and more that it is joined to other entities via symmetry. We work together via these symmetrical connections, which are almost as solid as we are only a little less solid. And it is that stringing fragility which holds us together as a superimposed consciousness, which must works with minuscule amounts of energy.

It may please you or it maybe a consolation of sorts, that you will never reach absolute zero as yourself. You will always be an entity in life as life, in any other condition you will not be this self that you are. Which is a good thing because the type of consciousness that we have is only valid and real in this our current condition. But your life is temporary, it is a transition phase, you are on your way into nothingness, just like others before you have gone into that nothingness, and the only way for you to prevent your cooling perdition is to stay alive, alive as the entity that you are, which is a bit on the conservative side if you ask me. I mean you are on your way down why stay here, experiencing absolute zero, and experiencing finality, is the only way for an infinite energy to experience everything. Your finality is part of your infinity.

As all things that are opposite are nothing but reflections of the same thing, it may please you more to know that as things cool to absolute zero, they begin to be more and more the same, they cease to resist each other, they become frictionless, they super-conduct, which is to say that they collaborate with each other to be more and more of the same thing. They move in the same way, they adopt the same identical principles of operation. This very solidifying condition, this unity in isolation, is what produces the consistency that you observe from this perspective as nothingness. Nothingness is nothing more than everything behaving the same, nothingness is the inevitable homogenization of the universe. Nothingness has everything in it but nothing juxtaposes against it. Harmony is the eventual summary of high energy conflict. The cosmic is nothing more than boiling nothingness, and so as you may refuse your eventual demise into negative energy, just remember that infinity is behind the cosmic evolutionary curve.