Monday, September 04, 2006


I think I once read a book in which the writer was attempting to suggest the calculable size of the universe. He or she noted that the universe must have a size that is relational to the size of its smallest constituency. This is what I would call the, “tell me how small you are and I will tell you how big you can be.” I have my own interpretation of this ingenious comparison. Find a two star solar system, that is two suns orbiting around each other, add their combine mass together and what ever their aggregate mass is, will determine the maximum size and weight that the universe can locally support. The reason that we have two sun solar systems its because the combined mass is unable to sustain equilibrium within the fabric of the universe, and so it collapses into two suns, which the universe can apparently sustain. It will be unlikely, if not impossible, to find single stars that equal the aggregate weight of two sun systems. The importance of this is astronomical, it defines the capacity of the universe to sustain object density, it implies that the universe has weight limitations. If I am correct, and as of this time there is no proof to doubt my correctness, but if I am correct, the universe has limitations, if so then it is possible to imagine that the universe limits our comprehension with its own inherent limitations, which invariably must affect us, us little constituents of the greater limited. But what the universe can not limit is our explanations. “Save yourselves if you can.”

There are rational reasons for why the universe functions as it does, and there are irrational reasons too. Rational reasons are local and temporary violations of the irrational laws that quintessentially govern the universe. Irrational dictates that everything in the universe is intertwined and interconnected, and the same thing even when different. The only event that is not interchangeable, intertwined or the same is explanation.

There is no greater simplification of the existence of the universe than the big bang explanation. One giant explosion from massively concentrated origins, at once the tiniest singularity, giving birth to the biggest, the universe. Brilliantly simple. It is so easy to apprehend that there is no reason why it should not be adopted, like evolution it has a very linear structure, and it allows everything to be measured from the perspective of point zero big bang.

Unfortunately if all things are possible, and they are, then it is also possible to imagine that the big bang theory is wrong and not true, both of those being different, wrong could certainly be the context of the big bang, there could be such a thing as a big bang, but not in the context that we structure it; or and not true simply because our universe may have come into existence, a billion trillion ways different from that.
The theory of an irrational desire allows for any kind of creation of the universe as long as there is energy that desires whatever sort of creation that is conceived. So I have used the big bang throughout this book as if it were a fundamental truth for us all, but I did it because it was more useful than true. Placing the creation of the universe in such a context simplified the philosophical process, it would have been extremely difficult to discuss the irrational idea of desire from the nothingness while at the same time disputing the big bang theory, it was simpler to make good use of it, but now we must discard it because it is simply wrong.

And it is wrong because it is not so much that everything in the universe is moving away from everything else, as it is that everything is receding in temperature. It is that recession that we perceive as an expansion. All things are receding back into the nothingness, and it is the differential of that energy descent that causes things to appear to be moving away from each other.

Now before you proceed to imagine that there is some kind of a big crunch taking place let me subtract that possibility by saying that it is more like running in place, it is a dimensional death, it is not a space time death, thought the space time will perish in that other dimension to which we are on our way. The things are not coming together because the birth and death of the desire is by an large local in nature, things appear to implode and explode into and out of existence because they migrate from one dimension to the next, it is a sort of morphing or better said a metamorphoses that places entities in a particular existence, death is a metamorphosis into the nothingness, or into another energy form, or into the infinite corona, or a reincarnation, or etc… and unimaginably all of those and many more happen all within the same point of desire. The extension of that possibility has the infinite potential of the nothingness, desire can spring anywhere and in any form within the fundamental nothingness.

What is really taking place in the universe is a cursive severity of the desire which is everywhere within the nothingness trying to write itself into existence. The evenness observed in the universe, merely reflects the evenness of the nothingness, the universe does not expand, it is not expanding, the universe grows from an infinite number of points of desire that could as much be nothing, like the simmering nothingness, or the aspiring energy. But each manifestation takes place much in its own locality, the universe is actually less mobile than we suspect, it seems like it is dynamic in every direction, and within the measure of the universe this is true, but the universe is rather sedentary, as it merely sits on the nothingness, like the earth siting on a giant turtle.

Your body is a universe of sorts, a habitat for cells, viruses, organs, bones, and so on… but your body does not move very much in relationship to the infinity of space that there is in the world for it to move in. Yet things in your innards are constantly moving at velocities that are speedy and rest free relative to your corporal physical standards. For instance blood is incessantly recycling itself through your heart every twenty minutes. Though you might be at rest your heart never really takes a break, and your mind never really sleeps, it is always ready to be instantly on sitting in a bath of neuron activity while you sleep. So much is moving inside of your body you yourself are a relative stable immobile unit specially in relationship to the amount of space that is out there. Well get this, we are inside of the universe, we perceive the universe as moving rapidly, everything in the universe appears to be speeding away from everything else, but like the cells in our body that die while others are born many times within our life times, and they only perceive their own importance, cancer cells being a perfect example of arrogant cells, but in the same way that we are a colony of agglomerated organisms, within the universe we are similar in that our perception is from within the body of the universe.

Any observation we make as entities within the body of the universe are not about the body of the universe, they are merely observations of how some part of the innards of the universe behave in relationship to us. What the body of the universe is doing is really not knowable to us by process of observation. We can not see the universe advancing matter into a void, the image of the big bang is one of a universe that explodes into the void, filling it with energy matter. But we would have to stand outside of that explosion, and at a safe distance, to observe that explosion into the void and prove it beyond doubt. And then, being outside of the universe we would also be able to view the entire universe, the whole body of it, engulfing the void with its burst of blinding persevering dynamics.

But not only can we not stand outside to view this big bang thing exploding, for we, as the version of ourselves that we desire to perceive, are after all only able to exist within the confines of the universal body that hosts our existence; more the reality is that there is no “out there”. The reality is that nothing exist outside of the nothingness or of the universe, and any perception of an “out side” is merely dimensional. For the universe as really an incubator of matter from within the nothingness, matter is born and the nothingness fades with the apparition of matter, this fading and transformation process can make it appear as if objects were expanding or contracting, and the end of a billion trillion years of our existence might not even comprise one cycle of the process within the corporal body of the universe; the corporal body of the universe being all the energy and all the matter, same opposites.

And the cycle itself is so local in nature that there is really no boundary to the universe. The nothingness is infinite, parts of it form into universes, just as they may desire to be infinitely other things, fantastic or fantasy things, there is no fiction, anything you can imagine is true somehow, somewhere; you do not have the capacity to think outside of the universe, that would require imagination. The nothingness has infinite potential to be anything, we inhabit a universal desire for energy definition that is observable as such from our locality, and that locality has not other side for us in our current condition. We could travel say back in time or forward in time but that would have to occur within this condition, and within this space time expression. In order to view the nothingness, the infinite corona thing, or some fantasy land that may have conjured itself from the nothingness, we would have to metamorphose into that habitat and structure. And while we would certainly have that historical expression in our infinite DNA, it would be mostly inaccessible to us from any other expression of desire. The reason that we become aliens from other things its because to be anything we have to have fundamental desire and belief, this is mandatory so as to maintain our desired reality; and this is more true for sewer energy or any low energy apparitions, they, we have to be less open minded to impossibility because it requires a concentration of energy to maintain any and all desires. The more energy the more possibilities that are desirable. A cosmic particle has sort of a great existence as long as it doesn’t some how fall into desiring to be nothing, in which case it will get closer to being like the expression we call sewer energy, us.

The brutal point is that the perception of space is largely a construct of lower energy forms, multidimensional high energy expressions can occupy many points of space and time, so their perception of time is really warped, such entities do not measure, they do not use calendars, they merely manifest themselves in a point of desire. Standing still they can just transfer into another dimensional manifestation which can be observed, by us, as the appearance of movement and velocity. This is because the universe is an incubator and incubators favor heat, they make things happen with energy and more energy, the incubator of matter energy is a desire that exist in a multidimensional region that supercedes the nothingness, it is not an explosion as we perceive it, it is a morphing of energy caused by an agglomeration of energy, energy that is dispersed over a wide nothingness and is as much the wide nothingness as it isn’t when it isn’t.

You might want to ask yourself why is the big bang so wrong? Because it is very wrong indeed. Well there is a perception problem, and it is a serious perception problem, caused by the fact that we learn from what we observed and unfortunately what we observe is not what gives rise to things, is not what makes things happen, is not what actually is, but rather, what we observe is the result of something that is a result of something else, that ultimately does not know so much what it is as what it does not want to be. The universe does not want to be nothing, but the universe can not explain itself to itself, it understands better what it despises, the nothingness, it is hideous. So you can’t understand yourself because your production is always a case of running away, and when you are in an escape condition it is difficult to perceive the reality that you are passing through, so if you suffer from a feeling of having to know, if you feel the urge to be more in control of the ever changing cycles of the universe, then you begin to make some things true; and since the only things that you can make true are those that you can observe and ultimately manipulate you then over-imposed those understandings into the grander picture, an explosion is the most rudimentary concept, the most consistent process that humanity perceives, humanity has then used it to explain itself to itself, it is a birth of simplicity and fear, it is a localizing of the impossible universal understanding.

The universe of course does not really care how you and I explain it, it is irrelevant, ultimately the universe just looks at us as an energy deficient thing, a retarded energy form, and it is us, who and what we are, that the universe must figure out how to correct, so as to cease the energy leakage, so as to maintain the incubator so as to continue to nurture the universe from the nothingness.

Fundamentally desire is a precursor to thought, irrational processes ferment and equal desire, all entities are manifestations of a desire that can be studied, but the situation of study, the learning of a thing does not make it different at the fundamental level; knowledge, any attempt at knowledge, has always a better chance of erring than of being right. It is inconceivable to us that knowledge, which has given us things like farming and technology, could be fundamentally wrong, and fortunately we can live with this belief till we perish. knowledge is how we believe we persist, that the accumulation of knowledge, true or false, is a sign that our universe is dying and that we are its killers, seems impossible and yet it is the tragic truth. The complete destruction of humanity, the best conductor to zero energy, would serve the universe a longer life expectancy!

But if the big bang is wrong and even evolution is there any way for us to save ourselves? Does awareness of desire give us any fundamental advantage? Could we be feeling the universe instead of knowing it and if so is that in some way beneficial to us?

Well let me just say that nothing that you do is going to prevent the irrevocable axiom that the universe is doomed and that you are more doomed and sooner doomed than the universe. Sure you could recycle yourself via reincarnation or you could be a foster soul in another body, or in another dimensional expression, but in the end our universe was and is a flawed desire, and you are not magnificent and wonderful enough to be the entity that can reverse the process. It is too late. While I hate to be so absolute about it that is the gruesome reality. But not to despair, because that which rises from the nothingness can not be destroyed, you are less divisible than you might suspect, your love of security and consistency, and you xenophobic attitude towards anything that is not precisely like you do not yet make you any different than the rest of the universe. You can abstract yourself into specialty but in the end the universe hugs you when you die and the nothingness welcomes you with joy and grief. Joy because you reassure its existence as what it is, and grief because it realizes that your failed escape marks the continuation of the most boring manifestation of energy ever conceived, its simmering nothingness.

But do not despair, I have painted a gloomy and dark outlook because, knowledge and religion, the two giant explanations for existence do not allow for positive endings. Entropy is the scientific lock down of our doomed existence, religion with, salvation or damnation, shuts down all other options for us all. But there are many other options that are more worthy of subscription. My personal favorite is that the universe is not born, nor does it die, but it just simply is. Yes, the universe just exists, and if and when it doesn’t exist, it does not matter because time does not lapse outside of space time. Our universe always is, the idea of a beginnings or endings merely created by anthropomorphic humanity devising it’s own subjective knowledge of universe. Certainly we can imagine a universe that has no end and no beginning; and such immense and wondrous universe never expands or contracts though regions, within the immense universe, a part of the immense same opposites nothingness, would have the potential to expand or contract, to begin anew, to regenerate and collapse. Anything outside, the one infinite universe, either does not exist or exist as an unrecognizable entity or thing. A universe that does not end does not have to explode into existence expressing an absolutists origin, that universe lives forever, certainly parts of it may fade out of existence but others spontaneously rise from the nothingness, from the void into being; and the universe as a whole persists without pause, unaware of finality. And it follows that there are not a thousand universes but just one infinite universe, one multidimensional universe, where strange things and normal events occur with some regularity. And that is all. Evolution has something to fear here: Spontaneous apparitions of raw desire.