Well since I am going down the slide of admission of guilt, through correction, a mere clarification from my perspective, let me yet again correct the illogical here. First I tell you that there is no objectivity, that you yourself can not be objective, and I tell you that since there is no objectivity that absolute truths are not possible, and yet here I am telling you not only that everything is energy, including the nothingness, and even the zero energy corona, that does not have any energy, but still would not exist if it wasn’t at one point the child of sewer energy or other energy manifestations. Then after making every entity or structure the product of energy I proceed to say that the energy itself is neutral to characteristic, and its representations are merely manifestations of temperature dropping, energy always attempting to maintain temperature and dynamic is the only fundamental cause of energy transformations. That would make energy the basis for everything, and high energy the goddess of it all, and all measures could be deduced if absolute energy confinement and absolute temperature If so then it stands to reason that there is an absolute, and something that can be deduced even by pure mathematics, specially if it is based on dynamic as produced by temperature variations.
If everything is energy, and the energy itself is neutral then it stand to reason that there are two absolutes. Temperature and objective temperature. Objective temperature of course would be the highest obtainable temperature because from that culmination all other temperatures are obtained and all representations of energy manifest themselves. The absolute objective temperature contains within itself all the potential of the universe, the big bang contained the absolute potential temperature for our universe, it was not however an absolute temperature in that it was unable to escape the nothingness absolutely, an absolute temperature big bang should be able to create a universe that will infinitely avoid the void. But from our imperfect, absolute big bang, objective temperature, as the universe cools all of the variable potentials begin to manifest themselves through kinetics. Those two absolutes create an objectivity, if you can’t be outside of the energy then the energy is the constant that you can measure yourself, sewer energy, against. Further, not being able to exist outside of the energy means that for you no other entity exist, you can never peer into things which do not get in touch with you, so relativity, quantum and even the most impossible of all evolution, should in theory be correct.
But as always my admissions of guilt should be suspect because the cruel reality is that it is your reality that you are observing and not the reality of the totality. The neutrality of energy is not a neutrality in the sense that energy is subjective to itself, if energy could absolve itself of itself it could tell us the truth, if there is such a thing, but there is no truth, which is probably why energy doesn’t care about anything but its own version of it. Ok I will reluctantly agree that temperature can be measured and that measuring temperature can give us an idea of how the energy will manifest in that condition, plasma does not happen at room temperature that sort of thing can be measured, for life to exist as we exist there is a limited energy spectrum, and it is because we know how limited that spectrum is, that we think of ourselves as special. Cosmic energy has the potential to manifest itself infinitely close to the gamut of the energy spectrum, hence the reason why its manifestations are so difficult to narrow into scientifically comprehensible categories.
In other words wild objective temperature is an absolute as it originated with the big bang, the cruel reality is that the universe is now a representation of all that temperature, that is, it is a kinetic expression of temperature depletion, the universe, since the big bang, has been and is a diminishing kinetic force, and the energy that is running down that energy high is the energy that is trying to understand itself as only a part of itself, which is more impossible than you might imagine.
Which is why I am here trying to get you to admit that you are not special, that you are just a representation of energy, a low energy spectrum, with the foolish hope that once you realize that you are not especial but that the whole universe is especial and that you are helping to kill all of us and the universe, there is no differentiation, then you might realize that if you want this universe to survive, this particular version of an original desire that allowed energy agglomeration within the nothingness, if you want this to survive you might have to either kill yourself, which is the equivalent of clogging the drain, or you could figure out how to feed new energy from the nothingness into this dimension that we call a universe and in so doing reversing or diminishing the cooling of energy. Of course you ought to bear in mind that anything you do to save this universe, if it is to be successful, will kill you and humanity. Perhaps that is why humanity is so self destructive a manifestation of the universe attempting to cease the hemorrhaging of energy.
Of course if you are like me, you might want to just surrender on this universe. It really would require a lot of work and much combined effort in the part of the entire consciousness of the universe to hold all of this kinetic energy from wasting itself, it is like trying to embrace and suffocate an explosion, so I personally would rather let it all finish itself off. That our universe exists implies that other more perfect desired universes are possible, and once you have existed, even if it is not a wonderful existence, it is still a more desired condition than the nothingness, so as you return to the nothingness you are also more likely to rise out of the nothingness, more so than other energy that has not manifested itself in a desired universe, and you are more likely to have a more pure desire for definition. And even if that all fails it should comfort you some to know that while in the nothingness you might suffer indifference but you will never suffer pain, which voids the suffering indifference nicely. Immediately and I don’t expect this to be much of a consolation, suffering is actually not something that energy does, as it is a manifestation of sewer energy or and consciousness as it realizes its mortality. That realization of course is because you fall in love with a condition of existence which you don’t want to change, of course everything is dynamic so your desire for stability, is not even imaginable in this desired universe, in this kinetic universe you must keep on moving and changing, and it is because that is the case that you came here in the first place.
It is your desire to remain as you are that gives rise to objectivity, a subjective manifestation if there was ever one, imagine that while you assume yourself the product of an evolution, something dynamic, that now you want that evolution to stop so you can remain yourself, so that humanity can continue to exist. And now picture this, you have seen how circumstances and environment have created some nice extinction’s, and yet you would like that not to happen to you. But don’t worry, neither the universe, nor the local environment is going to halt for you. And the reason it is not going to stop for you is because the universe is alive with dynamics, while you are actually manifesting your proximity to the nothingness. The only thing that does not change, the only simmering generic is the nothingness; like it or not the desire for stability is not of this universe of desire, it is a manifestation of the nothingness, it is the part of yourself that with proximity to the nothingness, recalls a non changing nothingness and now with agonizing energy you want to impose that on a dynamic universe. Of course if you could force the universe to cease its dramatic dynamic you would only be murdering the energy that much faster, which as sewer energy is what you do anyway, and if you really loved the universe you would hate yourself, but since you have isolated yourself from the universe, so you could shed a few tears and act a bit miserable, in a universe where energy does not have time to suffer, well that is what you have made of yourself, you could change it but why.
You really think that all the suffering in the world is inevitable, we don’t come from suffering, we come from the nothingness which knows no suffering, we come from the desire for definition that causes energy agglomerations manifested as universes which do not have any idea of what suffering is, your soul does not suffer, the only thing that suffers is that which refuses to change, which refuses to move on, which wants to hold still, which fears the fact that this version of itself will not exist forever, and ever. Ok souls suffer, but they suffer because they get attached to this earth, because they feel incomplete, because their fears or their passions were never fully experienced, lives or any representations energy that are reservoirs of emotions are corrosively bound to the obfuscated desire, and these will never know rest from a self imposed agony. Should they meet with catastrophe they will still need to return to the wanting existence as another, or within another to complete their wanting desires.
The aesthetic is not into pain, the universe is not into pain, the infinite corona, is not into pain; you are into pain because you have, through reason, separated yourself, from the universe that you are, and incredulously even from your own humanity. Of course you do not see this agony as the product of a mind that isolates, isolates even as it needs the very energy that it isolates from, to think, but you don’t see reason and knowledge as the cause of your painful struggle. This is because you only associate yourself with the part of reason that makes local sense, the laws of physics make sense as far as they are concordant with the expressed dimension and the local universe, it is hard to resist the reality that is visible, it is more difficult to believe in the reality that we are not able to register with our five senses. And yet it is that reality that we can not see and that we barely feel that has more to do with our existence than anything else. The communication and awareness that builds a humanity are the least visible, most of the unfelt and unseen, is what allows us to exist, and we are but a infinitesimal spec of spectrum which nurtures our existence.
As you struggle against your humanity, a suicidal tendency if ever there was one, as you seek to destroy others, perhaps a favor to the universe, remember that as you create your struggle, and reason that struggle, for today the injustice and the economic definition of the world defines existence, as a rational winner take all, may you be aware that a struggle against your own kind will cloud any comprehension you have of the universe. To understand the universe you will need to use all of humanity to sense it, to feel it, you are a singular beast, the parts of yourself whose destruction or suffering you justify with your reason, are the ones that cloud the possible comprehension of your universality.
Reason and knowledge of course are not terrible things, they like anything else have no fundamental morality, they are just conservative expressions of the universe, the future may subjectively use an objectified technology, an objectified logic but it is doubtful that logic is what will bring humanity to see itself as a desire expression that is formulated by temperature, but regardless electrodynamics dictates, how charged you are with your own desire, and with your own existence will determine your, so independent, mode of rational.